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Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender and Education

Income, Location, and Disability

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 3: Cancer  >  Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives
Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Cancer Focus Area 3

Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

The following discussion highlights the modifications, including changes, additions, and deletions, to this focus area's objectives and subobjectives as a result of the midcourse review.

During the Healthy People 2010 Midcourse Review, new baseline measures were identified for objectives 3-1 through 3-8, 3-9b, 3-10h, 3-12a, and 3-14. Targets were adjusted for objectives 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-5 through 3-8, 3-9b, and 3-12a. The target setting method for objective 3-14, to increase the number of States with population-based cancer registries, was modified due to changes in data collection methods; however, the target did not change. Measurement of subobjective 3-12b was modified to include protoscopy and colonoscopy, as well as sigmoidoscopy, as a measure of lower endoscopic colorectal cancer screening.

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