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World news
Palestinian Hamas members carry the body of top Hamas official Said Siam
Newsweek: Hamas becoming more popular
World Blog: Civilian toll
could backfire on Israel
Gaza war doctor grieves 3 daughters
U.S. news

Heroes aplenty
on the Hudson

  Video:  Moments after the pilot of US Airways Flight 1549 safely landed on the Hudson River, rescue workers sprang into action to avoid a total disaster.

Divers look for both engines of plane in Hudson
Pilot's wife: 'We are very proud of him'  |    Video
Some airports more at risk for bird strikes
Obama's stimulus plan promises jobs

President-elect says goal is to create 3 million new jobs in the next two years. What kind of jobs? Full story

Image: Inauguration rehearsal
AFP - Getty Images file
Hospitals brace
for cold, crowds

D.C.-area emergency rooms staff up for extra illnesses, injuries. Full story

Obama honors Hickman, Tuskegee Airmen
  Watch JFK's speech
Slide shows
US Airways crash in New York City
Image: Robert Redford
Hungary suffers from gas shortage
AFP - Getty Images
AFP - Getty Images
Image: Smart Car electric car
AFP - Getty Images
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