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Subject: NUGEX elections results
Author: "Stephane Ethier" <>
Date: 2007-02-14 07:40:41
Dear NERSC Users, The NUGEX elections results are in! Thank you all for voting and congratulations to our new members: ASCR (3) --------- Kirk Cameron Virginia Tech Mike Lijewski LBNL Ravi Samtaney PPPL BER (2) -------- David Beck U. Washington Adrianne Middleton NCAR BES (3) -------- Bas Braams Emory U. Eric Bylaska PNNL Thomas Miller UCB FES (1) -------- Andris Dimits LLNL HEP (1) -------- Frank Tsung UCLA NP (1) ------- James Vary Iowa State AT LARGE (2) ------------ Jerry Potter LLNL Xingfu Wu Texa A&M Stephane Ethier NUGEX vice-chair

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