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Subject: LoadLeveler class structure changes
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2005-01-12 16:28:52
Dear Seaborg users, Several changes to the Seaborg LodLeveler class structure will take place on Tuesday, January 18: - The current premium classes will be consolidated into a single class with a relative scheduling priority of 3 (next in line after the interactive and debug classes). Its wall limit will be 24 hours. - The maximum number of nodes that can normally be requested will be 299. A new class (reg_300) will be created to accommodate requests for 300 or more nodes. This class will usually have a run limit of zero and special arrangements will have to be made to run jobs of this size. The consultants will contact users who submit jobs to this class. - The reg_128 class is no longer being used and will be retired. It will be replaced by a new class, reg_256. At some time in the future jobs submitted to this class will receive some scheduling assistance. This is still being worked on, and for now reg_256 will have the same relative priority as reg_32 and reg_48. -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193

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