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Subject: Enhancements to Unix groups at NERSC
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2004-12-20 11:44:38
Dear NERSC User Group members, We are soliciting your feedback to the proposal below before passing it on to the general NERSC user community. Sincerely, -- Francesca Enhancements to Unix groups at NERSC ------------------------------------ In the past, a user's default Unix group has tracked their default repository. For new machines we plan to use "personal" Unix groups for the default group. Each user will have her/his personal Unix group; the Unix group name will be the same as the user's username. We are first introducing this scheme for HPSS. Starting in January, all active HPSS users will have a personal Unix group. Every new user (being added to HPSS for the first time) will have their default Unix group set to their personal Unix group. They will also be members of groups that have the same name as the repos to which they belong. The user is primarily responsible for files in their HPSS home directory. When a user leaves NERSC the expectation is that the user's home directory will *NOT* contain files needed by the project (either because files s/he is sharing are already in a project directory, or because s/he has given any project related files to the project) and can move to the "crypt" and eventually be deleted. Groups that need to share HPSS data, and especially projects that are creating data repositories in HPSS, should request a project directory with its own project Unix group, and store the shared data there. -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193

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