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Subject: agenda for June 21 NUG teleconference
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2001-06-20 16:53:04
Agenda for the June 21, 2001 NUG Teleconference * Benchmarks being solicited for NERSC 4 procurement: we need your help * Status of IBM Phase 2 * Any feedback on the latest NIM release? * ERCAP Requests: (1) Feedback from you on the process (2) Should we provide 8,000 character text boxes for "Accomplishments" and "Code Performance and Justification for Computational Resources"? (3) Who should be able to see the requests? * only PI and PI Proxy * repo managers as well? * all project users? * provide new role for read/only access to your request Next year we plan to provide an interface so that all users can see "public" responses, namely: PI, Title, Site, DOE Office, Science Category, Project Description (all 3 sections). What about Code Description? * Next NUG teleconference scheduled for July 26 To attend: Long Distance users call 1-877-252-5250, Local users call 510-647-3480, then press 1, enter 128810# and follow the instructions. -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Leader, NERSC User Services phone: (510) 486-7193 Lawrence Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486-4004

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