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Subject: Please contribute to NERSC Seaborg retrospective
Author: Richard Gerber <>
Date: 2008-01-25 12:08:41
Dear NERSC users, NERSC is compiling a retrospective of scientific discoveries based on calculations performed on the recently retired IBM SP Seaborg system. We would like to include accounts of any special scientific accomplishments or stories that you would like to share. You could tell us about your most significant discoveries or publications based on Seaborg results, or just relay an interesting anecdote. We could also use images and videos based on results from Seaborg. Please send anything you would like to contribute to me at Feel free to simply reference anything we have already documented in our annual reports ( or NERSC News ( Thank you, Richard Gerber -- Richard Gerber, Ph.D. NERSC phone: 510-486-6820 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab fax: 510-486-4316 Berkeley, CA 94720

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