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Subject: NUG meeting at Berkeley Lab Oct. 3-4
Author: Richard Gerber <>
Date: 2005-08-22 15:06:01
Dear NERSC Users, Registration is now open for the next NERSC Users' Group meeting October 3 and 4 at Berkeley Lab. All NERSC users are invited to attend. Please register if you plan to attend in person or remotely. (Remote attendees: please select your preferences for remote access on the registration form). NERSC will offer training for the new Linux cluster Jacquard on Monday, Oct. 3 This training will be webcast. The NUG business meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 4 will include presentations and discussions on a variety of topics, science highlight talks from NERSC users, and a lunchtime perspective by NERSC Director Horst Simon. Meeting topics will include the Greenbook (NERSC user requirements), an update from DOE, batch queue discussions, and NERSC status reports. Meeting information is available on the following web site: Some details of the agenda are still changing, so check this page for updates. The training content can still be modified based on requests from users. Please respond to this e-mail if you have specific suggestions for training topics. A block of Queen sleeping rooms has been secured at the GSA rate of $100 (+12% tax) per night has been reserved at the Hotel Durant <> for the nights of October 2, 3 & 4. Further details are available on the meeting web site. Richard Gerber -- ****************************************************** * Richard A. Gerber, Ph.D. * * National Energy Research Scientific Computing Ctr * * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * * (510) 486-6820 * * * ******************************************************

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