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Subject: Jacquard
Author: David Skinner <>
Date: 2005-08-09 10:56:37
Greetings, NERSC's new computing resource, jacquard is now in production. If you are a seaborg user you can log into jacquard using your NIM password. You can use your NERSC allocation on either machine. Jacquard is a very different machine than seaborg. In very broad terms jacquard offers much faster CPUs and a lower latency interconnect but smaller scale parallelism and smaller file storage. The queues on jacquard are arranged to favor long running (48 hours) jobs on small numbers of nodes. By configuring the queues this way we hope to deliver good turn around time to small concurrency jobs. If you have questions about jacquard or how to make the most of your allocation on either machine feel free to contact NERSC consulting. Regards, David Skinner NERSC User Services

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