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Subject: Reminder: The NUG meeting is on the Access Grid
Author: "Thomas M. DeBoni" <>
Date: 2004-06-14 08:51:40
Dear NERSC users, I am writing to remind you about the upcoming NERSC Users Group meeting, which will be broadcast on the Access Grid, June 24 and 25. Attending via your local AG Node will allow full participation without the need to travel to Berkeley. The first day of the meeting (Thursday, June 24) will be devoted to training, and the second day (Friday, June 25) we will hold a business meeting. For the training lectures, we will also offer Real Media streaming, for both real-time remote attendance and later viewing with a web browser. Registering is especially important whether you plan to attend in person, or remotely, since this will help us prepare for efficient use of network resources. All relevant information, including agendas, are on the NUG meeting page, at and the registration page can be reached via We look forward to seeing you, in person or on the Grid. Thomas M. DeBoni NERSC User Services

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