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Subject: new NERSC Information Management (NIM) release
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2002-11-11 16:03:45
Dear NERSC users, The latest version of NIM released at about 3:45 Pacific Time this afternoon includes the following enhancements: (1) You can now run Year-to-date reports on HPSS SRUs across all projects. (2) The Project Information display area has been expanded and reorganized. A project corresponds to an ERCAP allocations request form; every project has one HPSS repo associated with it. Most have one MPP repo, and some have one or more PDSF repos. - Project Information tab: Project Managers, PIs and DOE Managers can now see some information from the project's ERCAP request form (e.g. funding status, DOE Manager, review score, MPP hours and SRUs requested). The project title is now a link to the ERCAP request form. PDSF and HPSS repos are now listed as well as MPP repos. - User Roles & Contact Info tab: Project Managers and PIs can update contact info and project roles. - User Status by Repo tab: shows how the project's users are associated with the project repos (this is also where once a year Project Managers and PIs set the user statuses for the next fiscal year). This is the only tab that displays PDSF users. - MPP Usage, User %s tab: the project's seaborg users are listed. Project Managers and PIs can update the users' allowed percents. - HPSS Usage tab: the project's HPSS users are listed. The "Proj %" is the percent of the user's Storage Resource Units (SRUs) that have been assigned to this project. For more information see: -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Lead, NERSC User Services phone: 510-486-7193

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