National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

2002 Annual Report

This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC 03-76SF00098.

LBNL-51979, January 2003

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Table of Contents

Director's Perspective

Science Highlights

Science-of-Scale Projects

DOE Climate Change Prediction Program

High-Resolution Global Coupled Ocean/Sea Ice Modeling

Supernova Explosions and Cosmology

Black Hole Merger Simulations


Applied Partial Differential Equations

DOE Science Grid

Performance Evaluation Research Center

Terascale Optimal PDE Simulations

Advanced Methods for Electronic Structure

Robert Harrison Receives 2002 Sidney Fernbach Award

Explicitly Correlated Methods for Computations of Properties to Chemical Accuracy

Terascale High-Fidelity Simulations of Turbulent Combustion with Detailed Chemistry

Collaborative Design and Development of the Community Climate System Model for Terascale Computers

Multi-Resolution Climate Modeling

Center for Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling

Center for Magnetic Reconnection Studies

Numerical Computation of Wave-Plasma Interactions in Multi-Dimensional Systems

Plasma Microturbulence Project

Terascale Atomic Physics for Controlled Fusion Energy

Advanced Computing for 21st Century Accelerator Science and Technology

Terascale Supernova Initiative

Basic Energy Sciences

The Origin of the Anomalous Superconducting Properties of MgB2

Comparison of Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Experimental Measurements of Viscosity

Determining the Magnetic Structure of a Superconductor

Simulating the Deposition of Atomic Clusters of Palladium on a Magnesium Oxide Surface

Magnetic Anisotropy of Iron Nano-Chains Embedded in Copper

Biological and Environmental Research

Determining the Structure of a Carcinogenic Heterocyclic Amine

Whole-Genome Shotgun Assembly and Analysis of the Fugu rubripes Genome

QM/MM Studies of the Triosephosphate Isomerase-Catalyzed Reaction

Tropopause Height As an Indicator of Climate Change

Benjamin Santer Receives 2002 E. O. Lawrence Award

Cloud Sensitivity to Black Carbon and Aerosol Concentrations

Fusion Energy Sciences

Stabilization of Sawteeth in Tokamaks with Toroidal Flows

Predictive Capability of MHD Stability Limits in Tokamak Discharges

Nonlinear MHD Dynamics of Tokamak Plasmas on Multiple Time Scales

Simulations of Heavy Ion Beams in a Gaseous Fusion Target Chamber

Synthesizing a 4D Beam Particle Distribution from Multiple 2D Views

High Energy and Nuclear Physics

Making Maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background

Exact Calculations of Light Nuclei Using Realistic Interactions

Thermodynamics with Improved Staggered Quarks

Chiral Properties of Pseudoscalar Mesons

Lattice QCD at Finite Isospin Density

Advanced Scientific Computing Research

A Faster Electronic Structure Calculation Method for Metals

Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flows

Streamwise Vorticity Formation in a Transverse Jet

Comparison of Experimental and Simulated Mixing Rates

GPSHMEM: Application to Kernel Benchmarks

The NERSC Center

Clients, Sponsors, and Advisors

Allocations and Policies

User Survey Results

High-End Systems

System Upgrades and Expansion

DOE Greenbook Documents Computational Challenges, Recommendations

A New Computer Architecture Strategy: The “Blue Planet” Proposal

Computer Room Expansion

Advanced Development

Cray Decommissioning

Comprehensive Scientific Support

Making Systems Productive for Science

Scientific Algorithms and Applications

Visualization Support

Support for Scientific Challenge Teams

Science-of-Scale and SciDAC Projects

Getting the Physics out of KamLAND Data

Unified Science Environment (USE)

Establishing a Grid Infrastructure

Berkeley Lab Team Wins Third Bandwidth Challenge


Appendix A: NERSC Policy Board

Appendix B: NERSC Computational Review Panel

Appendix C: NERSC Users Group Executive Committee

Appendix D: Supercomputing Allocations Committee

Appendix E: Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research

Appendix F: Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee

NERSC Annual Report 2002 Table of Contents Science Highlights NERSC Center