NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

NERSC Tutorials, How-To's, and Lectures

Getting Started at NERSC Document Formats
New User's Guide [HTML]
General Programming Document Formats
Using XL Fortran on IBM SP [HTML]
Using IBM C/C++ on IBM SP [HTML]
Mixed Language Programming, including Library Usage across Language Boundaries [PowerPoint]
Selecting Math Libraries [HTML]
ACTS Tools: Case Studies with User Codes [PowerPoint]
Introduction to make [HTML]
Parallel Programming Document Formats
Introduction to MPI [HTML]
Introduction to MPI I/O [HTML]
Introduction to OpenMP [HTML]
Using OpenMP on Bassi [HTML]
Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Programming and Tuning [PowerPoint]
Debugging and Optimization Document Formats
IBM Compiler Optimization Flags [HTML]
Compiler-based Optimization [PowerPoint]
Libraries and Their Effects on Performance [PowerPoint]
Introduction to IBM's profiling tools "HPMlib" and "PEBenchmarker" [HTML] [PowerPoint]
Debugging Strategies and Tips [HTML]
Using the Totalview Debugger on IBM SP [HTML]
Debugging Programs with (and without) Totalview [HTML] [PowerPoint]
Other Topics Document Formats
HPSS Tools, including HTAR [PowerPoint]
Introduction to Grid Technologies at NERSC [PowerPoint, part 1]
[PowerPoint, part 2]
[PowerPoint, part 3]
Security at NERSC: A Guide to Safe Computing [PowerPoint]
File and Data Conversion [PowerPoint]

Document Formats

  • [PowerPoint] - Microsoft Power Point format.
  • [HTML] - Power Point format converted to HTML.

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