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Press Office
Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

NOTE TO CORRESPONDENTS        Arthur Whitmore:    202-205-4144
January 15, 1998              
                              Consumer Inquiries: 800-532-4440


The Food and Drug Administration today announced that Dr. Robert (Bob) L. Buchanan will be joining the agency's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition as a senior scientist for the President's National Food Safety Initiative and a member of the U.S. Public Health Service's Senior Biomedical Research Service. The Food Safety Initiative was announced in January 1997 by President Clinton. It directs and provides funding for the Food and Drug Administration and other government food-safety agencies to take steps to reduce the number of U.S. foodborne illnesses. As a senior FDA scientific authority for the initiative, Dr. Buchanan will have oversight for development of science-based policies implemented under the initiative. His appointment is another step forward in assembling a senior team to tackle this important issue. He will begin his duties on January 18.

Dr. Buchanan is a leading authority on food microbiology and quantitative risk assessment for microbial foodborne pathogens. He has conducted extensive research in food safety microbiology, bacterial physiology and mycotoxicology.

Dr. Buchanan currently is a senior investigator with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS), stationed at the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Philadelphia, Pa. He has served in various positions in USDA including Deputy Administrator for Science and Technology for the Food Safety and Inspection Service.

Prior to his USDA career, Dr. Buchanan served as an associate professor at Drexel University. He is the recipient of numerous professional awards including the University of Wisconsin Fraiser Award, the Institute of Food Technologist's Bauermann Award, and the ARS Outstanding Scientist of the Year Award. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and a member of both the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods and the International Commission for Microbiological Specifications for Foods. He is also a member of numerous professional organizations and serves as a contributing editor for Food Microbiology and a member of the board of editors for the Journal of Food Safety and the Journal of Food Protection.

Dr. Buchanan received his Ph.D. in microbiology from Rutgers University, and post-doctoral training at the University of Georgia.


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