Healthy People Consortium Meeting
"Implementing Healthy People 2010"
November 11, 2000

Summary of Breakout Group Discussion Concerning:
Immunization and Infectious Diseases

1. What does implementing Healthy People 2010 mean to you? 

2. How do you suggest we work with local community groups in implementing the Healthy People 2010 objectives?

3. What are the challenges/barriers to meeting the Healthy People 2010 objectives? And how do you suggest we work to overcome them? 

4. What can we do to support the elimination of health disparities among racial and ethnic population groups?

5. How do we measure progress of Healthy People 2010 in the future? And what is progress?

6. How can we work more effectively with the media in implementing the Healthy People 2010 objectives?

General Comment

Participant List

Facilitators: Nicole Smith and Jennifer Brooks 
Recorder: Sarah Foster 

Bonnie Jameson
South Dakota Department of Health

Nancy A. Nix
CDC/National Immunization Program

Kathy Kines
American Association of Retired Persons

David Arday
HCFA/Office of Clinical Standards and Quality

Jimm Murray
Wyoming Department of Health

Michael Meit
National Association of County and City Health Officials

Leslie Gurowitz
American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine

Pam Eason
HRSA/Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation

Jon Mark Hirshon
American College of Emergency Physicians

Joe Iser
Regional Health Advisor Region 11, DHHS

Deborah Arrindell
American Social Health Association

Tom Coleman
Florida Medical Quality Assurance, Inc.

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