Animal welfare increasingly important when buying food
January 15, 2009

British shoppers are becoming increasingly engaged with standards of animal welfare when purchasing food, according to research into consumer behaviour from international food and grocery expert IGD. One-fifth of shoppers (20%) now say that knowing about the standards of animal welfare has become one of their key drivers of product choice, which is up from 13% in 2008, according to Shopper Trends 2009, IGD’s latest research. When asked about concerns they have relating to food production,... ...Read more »

As the marketplace changes, innovation allows leaders to maintain market relevance
January 9, 2009

Global branding in the food and beverage industry has never been more challenging. Yet for select leading global companies, the often volatile international marketplace is populated with more opportunities than pitfalls. According to market research publisher Packaged Facts’ new report, Top Global Food and Beverage Companies: Strategies for Success, there are eight companies who continue to exemplify the ideal model for success: Nestlé, Kellogg, Anheuser-Busch (now a part of In-Bev), Wrigley... ...Read more »

Petrol price fall is grocers’ gain
January 7, 2009

Groceries are the top item on which American consumers are spending their savings from lower fuel prices, ahead of putting the money in savings, holiday gift buying and paying off credit cards, according to the results of nationwide research from retail analytics firm Precima. The study also discovered that fresh produce quality was the primary category which influenced switching between supermarkets. Of the 3,013 consumers who were asked to choose from a list of ways they use money saved on gas,... ...Read more »

Value, convenience, health and environmental sustainability in demand amongst restaurant customers
January 5, 2009

Research released by the National Restaurant Association shows that Americans are looking for healthier options and “greener” restaurants when they dine out, in addition to an increased interest in value and convenience. Surveys of restaurant operators, customers and chefs indicate that restaurateurs will sharpen their appeal in 2009 in these areas and that restaurants’ responsiveness to customers’ preferences will drive these industry trends, according to the Association’s... ...Read more »

Food trends 2009: comfort food to be prominent
January 2, 2009

Spotting trends in food is essential to understanding what food consumers are doing now and more importantly may be doing in the future. ‘thefoodpeople‘, a British-based food consultancy, split their food trend predictions into “mega trends” - which are already apparent within the market - and also “emerging trends” that are just starting to take hold.”The big trends for 2009 include comfort food, nostalgia, scratch cooking and home baking as consumers want... ...Read more »

British consumers continue discount supermarket push
December 31, 2008

As the financial crisis continues to bite, cash-strapped British consumers are turning to discount supermarkets such as German giant Aldi to cut the surge in the cost of living, industry analysts say. Britons, widely-known for their devoted predilection for big-selling supermarkets such as Waitrose and Sainsbury’s, have begun looking elsewhere due to the rising increase in food costs. And with the festive season just around the corner, discounters are moving upscale, introducing organic, value-added... ...Read more »

Restaurant food trends 2009
December 22, 2008

A survey of more than 1,600 professional chefs - members of the American Culinary Federation (ACF) - has revealed that nutrition and philosophy-driven food choices will be the hottest trends on restaurant menus in 2009, America’s National Restaurant Association reports. Local produce, bite-size desserts, organics, healthy kids’ meals, and new cuts of meat top the list of nearly 210 culinary items in the third annual “What’s Hot” chef survey. Rounding out the top 10... ...Read more »

Organic sectors mixed in economic downturn
December 17, 2008

Tighter economic conditions are impacting some organic sectors and producers, and by-passing others, according to the Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA). Speculation on whether organic items are in the ‘dispensable luxury’ category when consumer spending curbs, have not been upheld in the organic meat and dairy sectors, but fruit and veg may be under pressure. Alister Ferguson, National Sales Manager for The Australian Organic Meat Company (Sanger Australia), said sales show Australian... ...Read more »

Consumers altering channel decisions for ready-to-eat meals
December 16, 2008

A new report, which analyses how retailers are currently satisfying consumers’ needs for ready-to-eat foods, has discovered that retail stores (supermarkets, grocers, gourmet food stores) have taken a greater share of ready-to-eat meal and snack purchases in America. The fast food or quick service restaurant (QSR) segment and the full service restaurant categories have been put under greater pressure. In the US, QSR’s realised a 1 per cent increase in sales to August, while retail stores... ...Read more »

A brown Christmas? Brown spirits make a comeback in the US
December 16, 2008

While sales trends have typically favoured white spirits in recent years, brown spirits, led by whiskey, appear to be making a comeback. U.S. sales growth for whiskey and brown spirits is outperforming the growth rate of the overall spirits category in 2008, according to The Nielsen Company. Brown spirits include all whiskeys: Bourbon/Straight, Blends, Canadian, Scotch, Irish, etc., as well as Cognac/Brandy. White spirits include Vodka, Gin, Tequila and Rum, even if such categories might include... ...Read more »

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