NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

NERSC Allocation Year 2005 Allocation Award Letter

Dear Principal Investigator and Project Managers,

Your DOE Office and NERSC are pleased to announce that you have received an Allocation Year 2005 award for your ERCAP request. AY 2005 runs from December 1, 2004 through November 30, 2005.

Repositories (both MPP and HPSS) that haven't used significant amounts of time (or SRUs) each quarter are adjusted by transferring a part of the unused balance to the corresponding DOE Office reserve. See:

If you have any questions about your award, please contact your DOE NERSC Monitor; for contact information see:

The complete list of DOE awards is at:

Acknowledging NERSC in Your Publications

Please acknowledge NERSC in your publications of work resulting from the use of NERSC resources:

"This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098."

Using the NERSC Information Management (NIM) system

Information related to NERSC users, accounts, and allocations is available in the NERSC Information Management (NIM) system. With NIM you can monitor your project's usage, add and delete users, change users' "allowed percents" (the percent of the Seaborg or HPSS repo the the user is entitled to use), etc.

Please read the NIM Guide for PIs, PI Proxies and Project Managers at

If you, the Principal Investigator, do not intend to monitor your repository, please designate one or more "Project Managers" to do this on your behalf (you can send email to to let the Account Support group know who your project managers should be).

You access NIM at using your NERSC login name and NIM password (as you did to make your allocation request). The NIM Users Manual is at

Establishing user lists for your AY 2005 repos

To add users to your new AY 2005 repositories click the "My Stuff" menu in the NIM Main Menu and select "Add User". This will bring up a separate web form which gets emailed to the Account Support Office when you click the "Send Email" button. You can add new users to your repos at any time throughout the year.

Note that users new to NERSC are required to sign and return the Computer Use Policies form. No account can be activated until this is done. The form is at:

Also note that it is against NERSC policy to share usernames and passwords; each user must have her or his own account. See:

PIs (or Proxies and Project Managers) with continuing repositories should review their user lists for AY 2005 by September 22.

Default statuses for AY 2005 have been set for all of your users: users that have been inactive for more than 6 months have been set to "Delete next FY"; all other users have been set to "Active next FY".

You should review these settings and change them if need be:

  1. Log into NIM ( If you have forgotten your NIM password, please contact the Account Support Office at 1-800-66-NERSC menu option 2 or 1-510-486-8612.
  2. For each of your continuing AY 2005 projects, enter a repository name next to the Go button in the NIM Main Menu and click Go. Your project information will be displayed in the bottom frame.
  3. Click on the User Status by Repo tab. Review and if necessary change the settings in the Next Year Status column. To make changes click the Update link, make your status changes and click the Save All Rows button located at the bottom of this frame.

Please keep in mind that for security reasons only active users should keep their accounts on Seaborg and PDSF.

Allocation request review process and scores

Most production projects have been reviewed either this year or in the past by DOE's COmputational Review Panel (CORP). Your most recent score is displayed in NIM's project information area (to get there enter your repository name next to the Go button in the NIM Main Menu and click Go). Only project PIs and Managers see this score (users do not).

More information on the review process and scores is available on the ERCAP Review Process page.

Keeping yourself and your users informed

We rely on our website: for informing NERSC users of changes that occur as well as for general NERSC documentation. If you fail to find information that you need at our Web site, please let us know by email to

We also use email lists to inform users of changes. Some lists are created automatically for all active users. The most important communications are sent to these lists. Users and PIs can also subscribe to other lists. We encourage you to join the NERSC Users Group email list, nug. See: Users subscribed to nug are informed of monthly NUG teleconferences where issues of concern to NERSC users are discussed.

We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please contact the NERSC consultants via email ( or telephone (800-66NERSC menu option 3, 510-486-8611).

Page last modified: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 00:45:34 GMT
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