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NERSC FY2000 Initial Allocations Awards

FY2000 Initial Allocations Awards

The following table lists the allocation awards for NERSC for FY2000. The list is in alphabetical order by the last name of the principal investigator. If you have any questions about your allocation, see NERSC Monitor contact information.

Note: an S in front of a repository name indicates a NERSC Startup award; a B indicates a Berkeley Lab T3E award.


Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours repo Hours SRUs
Akbari, Hashem 72840 jun 500 10 PSU/NCAR MM5 meteorological modeling Albrecht, Andreas 72006 mp271 10,000 100 Mining Cosmic Microwave Background Data; The BEAST experiment Alhassid, Yoram 74073 mp69 35,000 10 Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclear Structure Alhassid, Yoram 74112 akh 2,000 mp283 16,000 10 Chaos in Mesoscopic Systems; from Nuclei to Quantum Dots Al-Jassim, Mowafak 75813 mp308 10,000 10 Theoretical simulations of effects of extended defects on the properties of photovoltaic materials Alivisatos, Paul 75372 B mp296 8,000 60 Electronic structure of nanocrystal Alumbaugh, David 71391 mp246 30,000 10 3D Electromagnetic geophysical inversion for CO2 sequestration and well logging analysis Anderson, David 73679 w1 1,200 S mp292 2,000 140 HSX; The Helically Symmetric Experiment; Data and Configuration Analysis, Transport and MHD Modeling and Engineering Support Anderson, John 73453 mp232 27,000 1,000 Development of a coupled ocean- atmosphere model for long simulations. Andrews, Malcolm 77074 S jvx 2,000 10 3-D Direct Numerical Simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor Mixing Arons, Jonathan 73654 S mp274 1,000 10 Plasma PIC Simulation of Relativistic Shock Waves as a Model for Gamma Ray Bursts Asta, Mark 74152 jvk 4,000 mp222 8,500 50 Electronic-structure calculations of bulk and defect properties for crystalline and liquid alloys Atherton, Cynthia 71570 xaq 1,000 mp163 54,000 2,000 Investigating the roles of aerosols, stratospheric transport, and natural and anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric ozone using a tropospheric/stratospheric model Averback, Robert 72532 mp99 9,500 1,000 Processing of Materials Far From Equilibrium Aydemir, Ahmet 72410 ifs 8,000 mp77 9,000 700 Comprehensive modelling and transport studies at the Institite for Fusion Studies
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Baer, Ferdinand 72884 joi 1,000 5,000 Optimizing Computations of Climate Prediction Models Baer, Ferdinand 73572 mp188 13,500 100 Modeling 3D decaying turbulence on the sphere with SEAM Baer, Ferdinand 74052 mp58 2,500 50 Studying climate response to regional and subgrid scales with SEAM Bailey, David 73892 mp207 9,000 10 New High Precision Arithmetic Software with Applications to Physics and Mathematics Bailey, David 76196 S mp309 10,000 1,000 UCB CS267 Class Account: "Applications of Parallel Computing" Banerjee, Sanjoy 72845 alh 500 500 Multi-phase Turbulent Flows Bansil, Arun 72409 ahd 400 60 Fermiology of High Temperature Superconductors and Other Complex Materials Barnett, Tim 72536 jdz 7,500 mp189 3,200 2,000 Studies of Decadal Climate Dynamics and Predictability Bash, Paul 72139 jom 5,000 mp236 16,000 100 Computer Simulation of Enzyme Reactions Batista, Victor 76298 S mp311 10,000 10 Semiclassical molecular dynamics simulations of coherent control Bell, Alexis 72951 joz 7,000 S mp182 1,000 10 A Density Functional Theory Study of the H2O2 formation over Pd/H-ZSM-5 and Pd/TS-1 Bell, Alexis 72952 jsq 4,000 S mp230 500 10 Dehydrogenation and aromatization of light alkanes over Ga-ZSM-5 and Zn- ZSM-5 using hybrid density functional theory. Bell, John 72011 akd 1,000 mp111 175,000 25,300 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Reacting Flows Benedek, Roy 71387 jnq 5,000 mp169 30,000 1,500 First Principles Calculations for Lithium Battery Electrode Materials Bishop, Alan 73552 xbm 500 S mp259 500 50 Low Dimensional Mixed Valence Material Brand, Holmann 71894 jkw 1,000 S mp265 500 10 Computational Studies of Zeolite Catalysis Brown, Michael 72885 jtf 500 300 Fundamental Magnetofluid Physics Studies on SSX Spheromak Experiment; Reconnection and Sustainment Brown, Nancy 71629 mp122 2,000 50 Combustion Chemistry Brown, Nancy 71630 ajw 4,000 20 Combustion Chemistry Brown, Virginia 71949 jaf 500 100 Uniform Treatment of Meson-Exchange Currents, Off-Energy Shell Effects, Relativistic Effects, and Out-of- Plane Dependence for Electroweak and Electromagnetic Interactions in the Nucleon-Nucleon System. Broyde, Suse 72535 ndb 6,000 S mp310 10,000 1,200 Molecular Understanding of Mutagenicity Using Potential Energy Methods
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Caldeira, Kenneth 72250 mp227 91,300 1,000 DOE Center for Research on Ocean Carbon Sequestration Callen, James 70982 uw 7,000 mp200 6,500 1,000 UW-Madison Fusion -- Theory and Computation (Nonideal MHD, Stellarator, Turbulence); Experiments (Pegasus, MST); Fusion Technology (Fusion Engineering, ECRF Transmission) Carlson, Joseph 72593 alq 1,000 S mp281 500 50 Study of Relativistic Effects and Exclusive Electron Scattering Reactions in Light Nuclei Carlson, Joseph 72815 mp33 31,000 100 Quantum Monte Carlo for Nuclei and Nuclear/Neutron Matter Carmichael, Ian 72752 jhu 2,000 10 Theoretical characterization of radiolytically-induced sulfur- containing radicals and radical ions Carmichael, Ian 72828 jva 2,000 mp240 1,000 10 Theoretical characterization of siloxane cages Caspi, Shlomo 74172 mp75 600 50 High Field Superconducting Magnet Field Computations Castleman, Albert 73681 jeb 600 10 Electronic and Geometric Structure of Metal Containing Clusters; Computational Investigation of Excited States for Comparison with Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy Experimental Studies Cayan, Daniel 73660 jur 7,500 1,200 Mechanisms of abrupt climate warming explored using a coupled ocean- atmosphere general circulation model Cederwall, Richard 72941 jdm 100 50 Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Science Applications Support Chakraborty, Arup 72953 jjn 7,000 10 A study of the local and global acidic properties in H-ZSM-5 using hybrid density functional theory. Chakraborty, Arup 73652 jvd 2,500 10 A density functional theory study of the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane over dispersed vanadia. Chasman, Richard 72489 aho 50 120 Many Body and Mean Field Nuclear Structure Studies Chemla, Daniel 75373 B mp297 12,000 120 Single Protein/Macromolecule Dynamics Chen, Chiping 72839 jms 260 S mp187 1,000 100 Computational Investigation of Periodically Focused Intense Charged-Particle Beams Chen, Jacqueline 71160 mp241 25,000 50 Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in Diesel Engines Chen, Liu 71240 uci 980 120 Nonlinear Instability and Transport Computations Cheng, Edward 73696 jhv 50 20 Neutronics and Nuclear Data Requirements for Fusion Reactors Cheng, Hai-ping 74033 jvj 10,000 mp261 10,000 3,950 Physical Modeling and Simulations of Particle-Surface Interactions
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Ching, Wai-yim 71430 aex 100 mp250 1,500 50 Theoretical Studies of the Electronic Structures and Properties of Complex Ceramic Crystals and Novel Materials Chorin, Alexander 71869 lbm 1,800 mp80 500 300 Analytical and Numerical Methods Chou, Mei-Yin 73092 jbb 300 mp258 1,000 50 Theoretical Study of Hydrogen in Solids and on Surfaces Chrzan, Daryl 72371 joa 400 mp110 20,000 10 Calculation of dislocation core structures in hard materials Chuang, Catherine 71379 acc 7,000 250 Cloud/Aerosol Parameterization; Application and Improvement of General Circulation Models Clough, Tony 75452 jdw 200 20 Implications of Improved Radiative Transfer Modeling for Climate Studies Cohen, Bruce 71245 jpq 2,300 gc3 650,000 9,000 Numerical Tokamak Turbulence Project Cohen, Bruce 71246 lll 1,900 mp2 90,000 1,600 LLNL MFE Supercomputing Cohen, Marvin 72523 mp173 19,500 100 Ab Initio Predicion of Structural and Electronic Properties of Materials Colella, Phillip 75374 S mp298 2,500 300 Parallel AMR Software tools Connor, Kenneth 73687 rpi 50 200 Rensselaer Fusion and Plasma Research Program -- (Heavy Ion Beam Probing and Fusion Reactor Studies) Cooke, John 70790 mp221 36,400 30 Numerical Simulations of Grain Boundaries, Buried Interfaces, and Catalytic Surfaces Cooper, Bernard 72832 ail 140 200 Electronic and Magnetic Interactions in High Temperature Superconducting and High Coercivity Materials Cormack, Alastair 72855 jtu 4,000 10 Structure, Stoichiometry and Stability in Magnetoplumbite and Beta-alumina Structured Ceramics Cotanch, Stephen 70860 jgr 750 60 Effective QCD Hamiltonian Approach to Hadron Structure. Crowe, Ken 73212 S mp295 7,000 800 Precision measurements of the lifetime of free and bound muons Cummings, Peter 72862 mp138 100,000 1,500 Molecular-Based Simulation of Complex Fluids Curcija, Dragan 75652 jji 200 100 Computer Modeling of Heat Transfer in Fenestration Systems Curtiss, Larry 71891 jmy 3,000 10 Electronic Structure Calculations on Lithium Polymer Electrolytes Curtiss, Larry 71892 jay 11,000 mp254 18,400 10 Electronic Structure Studies of Molecular Sieve Materials and Diamond Films
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D'Ippolito, Daniel 72887 s1 20 60 Edge, SOL and Divertor Modeling Dalgarno, Alexander 71669 hco 50 10 Theoretical Studies of Atomic Collision Physics Dawson, John 71020 lax 5,000 mp28 67,000 6,500 Fusion Plasma Modeling Using 3-D Particle-in-Cell Simulations at UCLA Dawson, John 72516 mp201 25,000 1,000 Turbulent and MHD behavior of free liquid jets and films and magnetically confined plasmas Dawson, John 72812 lax2 4,000 1,000 Fusion Neutronics and Predictive Capabilities, Analysis and Experiments for Fusion Nuclear Technology Debenedetti, Pablo 72877 jid 3,500 200 Fundamental Studies of Metastable Liquids DeFord, John 74114 S jvn 100 S mp279 500 10 An Optimization Client/Server System for 3-D Design Automation Demmel, James 70801 mp156 30,000 10 Linear Algebra Algorithms on High Performance HPC Users Derenzo, Stephen 71689 jok 5,000 mp196 20,000 10 Modeling of scintillation produced by ionizing radiation in inorganic crystals Deyerl, Hans-Juergen 72841 jvb 500 100 High level ab initio calculations of the H2O2- and H2O2 potential energy surfaces Diaz de la Rubia, Tomas 74399 jvs 900 mp43 49,000 60 Microstructure evolution in irradiated materials Dickinson, Robert 74234 juv 4,000 S mp234 500 1,300 Land Processes in a High-Resolution Community Climate Model with Sub- Grid Scale Parameterizations Ding, Chris 72229 mp210 5,000 50 Implementation and Optimization of TOUGH2 on the T3E Ding, Chris 72833 mp153 7,000 100 Development of a Parallel Modular Ocean Model Dixon, David 73952 jtp 5,000 mp165 35,000 200 Benchmarking Computational Chemistry Methods for Combustion and Process Modeling Needs Doniach, Sebastian 70873 mp219 58,500 100 Parallel Simulation of Protein Folding by Reaction Path Annealing Drake, John 73706 jus 5,000 mp125 5,000 10 Parallel Algorithms for Global Climate Models Dunning, Thom 71339 aji 25,000 100 Modeling Molecular Processes in the Environment; Molecules and their Interaction in Isolation, in Liquids, on Surfaces and at Interfaces.
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Eberly, J. 72899 jjg 500 10 Quantum Control of Optical Pulses, Atoms and Molecules Eguiluz, Adolfo 73666 jkk 3,500 mp174 47,000 400 Ab Initio Investigation of Dynamical Electronic Response and Many-Body Effects in Solids Elster, Charlotte 70881 mp20 17,000 100 Three Nucleon Scattering and Bound State Calculations in Three Dimensions Esarey, Eric 72949 abk 1,350 mp278 52,000 3,960 Numerical Simulations of Advanced High Energy Acceleration Techniques and Applications. Esbensen, Henning 72270 jad 100 10 Coupled Channels Calculations of Heavy-Ion Reactions.Nuclei far from Stability; Structure and Reactions. Evans, James 75375 S mp299 1,000 60 Thermal Modeling/Thermal Management of Li-Polymer Batteries
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Fadley, Charles 72007 jvi 600 80 Simulation of Multi-Atom Resonant Photo-Emission (MARPE) Fawley, William 71392 jvg 500 S mp197 1,000 20 Numerical Simulation of Short- wavelength FEL's Utilizing Self- Amplified Simulated Emission (SASE) Felmy, Andrew 73656 jli 1,000 mp119 13,000 500 Structure and Reactivity of Fe/Al Oxide and Oxyhydroxide Surfaces and Aqueous Interfaces; Molecular to Thermodynamic Scale Ferris, Kim 73659 jgn 1,200 10 computational study of the structural, electronic and dielectric properties of ceramic and polymeric meterials Fischer, John 74092 jil 400 40 Density-functional calculations of structural and dynamical properties of novel carbon materials. Fischer, Paul 73697 S mp266 7,000 50 Spectral Element Methods for LES of Turbulent Flows Fleming, Graham 73712 juk 1,000 10 Energy equilibration and charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers Fliflet, Arne 73674 nr1 300 30 Research on High Power Gyrotrons, Gyroklystrons, and Free-Electron lasers Foster, Ian 76337 S mp312 10,000 10 Cactus/Globus Computational Toolkit: simulations of complex gravitational wave phenomena distributed across multiple MPPs Franz, James 72194 ajn 2,800 50 Free Radical Chemistry of Energy Utilization Freeman, Arthur 74012 mp134 28,500 20 Magnetic and transport properties of CMR and other ceramic materials Freeman, Arthur 74132 afg 9,000 50 Energetics, Bonding Mechanism and Electronic Structure of Metal/Ceramic Interfaces Friedman, Alex 72196 ajb 7,000 mp42 39,000 2,000 3-D and 2-D modeling of intense beams for heavy-ion fusion Froese-Fischer, Charlotte 71842 afh 100 mp52 10,000 100 Theoretical studies of atomic transitions and isotope shifts Fu, Qiang 71837 jrp 2,000 mp225 10,000 100 Numerical Simulations of Single- Scattering Properties of Nonspherical Ice Crystals in Cirrus Clouds by Using Finite-Difference Time Domain Technique Fung, Inez 72867 juw 2,500 6,000 Carbon-Climate Interactions Furman, Miguel 72674 jdb 600 S mp93 500 100 Design of high-luminosity colliders
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Gadgil, Ashok 71193 juo 20,000 350 Indoor Dispersion and Deposition of Airborne Pollutants Gadgil, Ashok 75376 B mp300 15,000 240 Transport and Fate Modeling and Predictions for Airborne Toxics Gao, Haiyan 70872 jvo 3,000 100 Neutron Magnetic Form Factor Ghattas, Omar 76511 S mp315 5,000 10 Large-Scale Simulation-Based Optimization: Parallel Algorithms and Application to Problems in Science and Engineering Ghoniem, Ahmed 72693 mp218 6,000 50 Lagrangian Simulation of Combustion Ghoniem, Nasr 71841 jkt 2,000 S mp289 2,500 60 Computer Simulations of Material Deformation Glaeser, Robert 75392 S jvu 500 S mp301 2,000 240 Teraflop Challenges in Single- Particle Electron Crystallography Glimm, James 71530 mp123 50,000 10 A Numerical Study of Acceleration- Driven Fluid Interface Instabilities Gohar, Yousry 72310 anl 200 600 ANL Fusion Program (ALPS, APEX, NSO, ARIES Study, Fusion Technology, Fusion Applications, and Material Development programs) Gold, Steven 71393 jda 1,000 10 Development of a Thermionic Magnicon Amplifier at 11.4 GHz Goldstein, William 73112 kad 150 150 Atomic Modeling Goss, William 75652 jji 200 100 Computer Modeling of Heat Transfer in Fenestration Systems Greene, Chris 77222 S jsb 500 S mp318 10,000 200 Correlated motion in two-electron systems and Scaled-energy spectroscopy in chaotic regimes of quantal systems Gubernatis, James 72290 alr 500 mp17 25,000 50 Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons in Reduced Dimensions Using Advanced Parallelizable Methods Guo, Theodore 74298 jgb 50 10 Electromagnetic environment, dosimetry of electromagnetic field and power line field, and imaging by low-frequency electromagnetic fileds and microwaves Gupta, Rajan 72974 mp273 120,000 40,000 Phenomenology with O(a) improved lattice QCD Guralnik, Gerald 73152 ada 1,200 800 Source Galerkin Methods in Quantum Field Theory Guzdar, Parvez 71449 um 27,000 mp217 20,000 10,000 Fusion Energy Research Guzdar, Parvez 71609 umb 3,000 200 2D and 3D Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Ginzburg-Landau Turbulence and Passive Scalar Convection Guzdar, Parvez 71838 um1 3,700 100 Microwave Generation for Fusion Applications Gwo, Jin 73832 jut 8,000 mp233 8,000 100 High Performance Computation in Biohydrogeochemistry
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Haber, Irving 73694 abf 50 20 Focused Transport of Intense Charged Particle Beams Habib, Salman 72773 mp89 38,000 100 Topics in Nonequilibrium Field Theory Hallberg, Robert 72935 mp150 50,000 10,000 High-resolution sensitivity studies of Southern Ocean Eddies using two Ocean Models. Halley, J. Woods 72534 joc 1,500 mp175 1,500 40 Theoretical Study of Reactions at the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface Halley, J. Woods 72816 jmz 1,390 20 Modeling of Transport in Lithium Polymer Electrolytes for Battery Applications Hanson, James 73703 abn 50 10 Stellarator Design Studies and Investigation of the Magnetic Topology of Toroidal Magnetic Fields Harmon, Bruce 72612 mp101 77,000 10 Photonic Band Gap Materials Harrison, Robert 73292 gc6p 1,000 gc6 60,000 1,000 Computational Chemistry for Nuclear Waste Characterization and Processing; Relativistic Quantum Chemistry of Actinides Harwood, Leigh 71532 akt 4,000 200 Effects of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Accelerator Performance and Accelerator Physics Studies of Applications of Superconducting Linacs Harwood, Leigh 71770 mp159 30,000 100 Effects of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Accelerator Performance. Head-Gordon, Martin 73701 mp54 60,000 650 Electronic structure and simulation calculations of reactive chemical systems. Head-Gordon, Teresa 73912 mp53 70,000 100 Global Optimization Approaches to Protein Fold Refinement and Tertiary Structure Prediction Heinisch, Howard 73412 hed 10 50 Fusion Materials; Radiation damage modeling, Nuclear Analysis, Damage Analysis and Fundamental Studies Hingerty, Brian 72942 aay 1,100 100 Crystallographic, NMR and Molecular Modeling Calculations of Carcinogen Modified DNA Hingerty, Brian 72948 jux 1,000 S mp106 1,000 25 Computational Modeling of Nucleosome Core Particle DNA Hirshfield, Jay 71180 jjj 4,700 60 Components for Radio Frequency Devices and Seventh Harmonic 20 GHz Co-Generator Hoffman, Darleane 70879 jlq 3,000 1,000 Relativistic Quantum Chemistry of the Transactinides. Holbrook, Steve 72856 jos 2,000 mp105 5,000 100 Structure and Mechanism of Catalytic RNA andIdentification of Novel Functional RNA Genes in Genomic DNA Sequences Huesman, Ronald 72712 aaq 200 10 Experimental Medicine; Clinical, Diagnostic, and Isotopic Imaging Studies Hunt, Arlon 73852 mp140 2,000 10 Advanced Modeling of Light Scattering from Diesel Exhaust Particles
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Jardin, Stephen 71366 mp19 150,000 3,000 3D Modeling of fusion plasmas Jardin, Stephen 71367 ppl3 9,000 mp286 38,250 2,000 Analysis and Design of Stellarator Configurations Jardin, Stephen 71368 pppl 50 10 Computer systems support at PPPL Jardin, Stephen 71369 ppl5 1,500 200 Fusion Theory at PPPL Jardin, Stephen 71370 ppl4 8,000 S mp287 5,000 500 Modeling of plasma control, noninductive current drive, and equilibrium evolution in tokamaks and STs, and reconnection in MRX Jardin, Stephen 71371 ppl6 1,000 500 NSTX MHD equilibrium control studies, stability analysis, and current drive performance prediction. Jardin, Stephen 71372 ppl7 6,000 2,000 NSTX and other engineering analysis -- Finite element stress and thermal analysis support, electromagnetic analysis. General fusion engineering analysis support. Jardin,Stephen 71373 ppl1 4,800 500 Simulation of Plasma Turbulence and Transport Jardin, Stephen 71374 ppl2 25,000 mp288 38,250 1,000 The M3D project, a 3D plasma simulation studies project with multiple levels of physics description Jellinek, Julius 73134 akq 7,000 210 Structure, Energetics and Dynamics of Metal, Including Alloy, Clusters; Interactions (Reactive and Inelastic) of Molecules with Clusters Jensen, Niels 75397 B mp302 30,000 4,000 (1) Atomic Scale Modeling of Detonation and Reactive Materials; (2) Damage Generation in Materials due to Ion Irradiation Jensen, Tommy 72522 jfp 200 S mp228 1,000 10 Mixed Layer Processes and Parameterizations in High Resolution Ocean Models Ji, Chueng-Ryong 71410 jgq 400 300 Quantum Chromodynamic Quark Model Analysis of Hadron Elastic and Transition Form Factors Johnson, Donald 72008 jfi 2,745 300 Modeling and Analysis of Global Hydrologic Processes and Moist Entropy for Climate with the University of Wisconsin Isentropic- Sigma Model. Joseph, Daniel 72732 jtq 500 mp95 3,000 660 Direct Numerical Simulation and Modeling of Solid-Liquid Flows Joshi, Chan 73312 mp113 250,000 100,000 continuing studies of plasma beat wave accelerator
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Kahana, Sidney 71376 mp90 19,000 1,000 Nuclear Astrophysics, Supernovae Spectra via MPP computation Karma, Alain 72369 mp36 14,500 10 Quantitative Modeling of Solidification Microstructures Karplus, Martin 72980 juy 8,000 gc8 63,500 1,000 Protein dynamics and enzyme function Katsouleas, Thomas 70838 mp275 10,000 1,000 Theoretical Support Program for Plasma-Based Concepts for Future High-Energy Accelerators Kendall, Ricky 73392 jvm 3,000 mp263 6,000 100 Algorithm Requirements for exploiting multiple levels of granularity within an SMP node based MPP supercomputer. Kilcup, Gregory 73612 gc1 120,000 5,000 Weak Matrix Elements from Lattice QCD Kim, Jin-Soo 73677 jqs 600 S mp92 500 100 Optimization and Design Tool of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources Kim, Jin-Soo 73678 jgx 200 50 Pulse-to-Pulse Emittance Measurement System Kim, Jin-Soo 74074 S jmt 40 10 A diagnostic tool for identification and visualization of RWM in tokamak plasmas Kim, Jinwon 71362 jul 3,000 mp223 5,000 1,000 Regional scale climate variability and impact assessment for the western United States Kim, Sung-Hou 72943 jtl 5,000 mp211 72,500 10 Recognition and classification of protein folds in complete genomes. Kinney, Edward 73655 mib 25 10 Simulation of Hydrogen and Deuterium Atoms in Polarized Sources and Internal Targets for Experiments in Electron Storage Rings Kirsch, Jack 77752 S jvy 500 200 Computational Studies of the HEX mutant of Aspartate Aminotransferase Kiskis, Joe 72834 S ucd 500 500 Overlap-Dirac lattice gauge theory wave functions and chiral symmetry breaking Klepeis, John 72986 mp176 8,000 50 Growth and Formation of Advanced Heterointerfaces Knox, Lloyd 72001 S mp270 5,000 100 Analysis of TopHat Cosmic Microwave Background Data Ko, Kwok 72979 sl1 5,000 mp198 10,000 1,000 Advanced Accelerator Design, Modeling & Analysis Koelling, Dale 71671 adk 10,000 mp87 65,650 3,000 (1) Atomic and Electronic Structure of Ceramic/Metal Interfaces (2) First Principles Calculations for Complex Materials Kogan, Boris 72592 mp66 2,500 10 Computer Simulation of Cardiac Arrhythmias in 2- and 3-dimensional cardiac tissue Kogut, John 71401 mp76 57,000 500 The Universality Class and the Critical Index Delta of the Quark- Gluon Plasma Transition in Two Flavor QCD
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Kogut, John 71402 jjp 25,000 500 Diquarks, Chiral Symmetry Restoration and Superconductivity in SU2 QCD at nonzero Baryon Density. Kogut, John 71403 uih 15,000 500 Model Field Theory Simulations at Nonzero Chemical Potential and Temperature Kollman, Peter 74293 juz 11,000 mp239 54,000 100 Computational Studies of Protein Folding and Enzymatic Catalysis of Beta-Lactamases Koplik, Joel 71970 jif 1,000 mp247 17,000 100 Particulate dynamics in filtration and granular flow Kotliar, Gabriel 72981 mp257 32,000 50 Ab Initio Studies of Correlated f Electron Systems Kusnezov, Dimitri 71429 jcy 1,000 10 Non-Equilibrium Studies of Field Theory
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Lacis, Andrew 73932 jfv 900 10 Theoretical Calculation of Water Vapor Continuum Absorption Landman, Uzi 73872 gte 24,000 mp97 50,560 22,000 Quantum and classical simulations of clusters, self-assembly and manipulations of nanostructured materials, nanotribology and friction control. Lange, Andrew 71381 mp269 50,000 500 Cosmic Microwave Background Data Analysis - The BOOMERanG Long Duration Balloon Flight Lee, Dung-Hai 76563 S mp314 5,000 10 Magnetoresistance and High- Temperature Superconductivity Lee, Frank 72912 jvp 25,000 20,000 N* Physics with Improved Lattice QCD Actions Lee, T. S. Harry 72984 jct 2,000 50 Nuclear Dynamics with Subnucleonic Degrees of Freedom Lehrman, Michael 74113 jen 50 10 Chaotic Processes in Plasma Lester, William 72950 lbd 15,000 mp208 60,000 200 Quantum Monte Carlo for Electronic Structure of Combustion Systems. Lester, William 75393 B mp55 45,000 360 Quantum Monte Carlo for Combustion Systems Lin, M 70785 jpj 23,000 10 Kinetics of elementary processes relevant to incipient soot formation Liu, Keh-Fei 71893 ukt 60,000 mp7 51,000 85,000 Lattice QCD Monte Carlo Calculation of Hadron Structure Lomon, Earle 72370 aht 80 5 Reactions and Resonances in Coupled Channel Hadron and Quark Systems. Louie, Steven 70797 agk 2,000 mp149 23,000 300 Computation of Electronic Properties of Materials from First Principles Louie, Steven 75394 B mp1 54,000 500 Electronic and structural properties of condensed matter systems Loveland, Walter 70864 jum 8,000 4,000 Electronic structure of superheavy elements Lowengrub, John 72892 jtc 5,000 500 pinchoff and reconnection of liquid/liquid interfaces Luhmann, Neville 74034 jky 200 10 Plasma Diagnostics for Magnetic Fusion Devices and High Power Microwave / Millimeter Wave Source Development Lusk, Ewing 72825 mp8 5,000 10 MPICH; MPI and MPI-IO for the T3E
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Majer, Ernest 72863 mp35 5,650 10 Center for Computational Seismology Mandrekas, John 72975 git 450 100 (1) Collaborative Analysis of DIII-D (2) Support for Next Step Option Studies Marshall, Thomas 72857 jei 250 10 Stimulated Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator and Microwave Inverse Cerenkov Accelerator Mascarenhas, Angelo 75792 S mp306 10,000 10 Band structure and optical properties of orientational superlattices in spontaneously ordered III-V alloys McCurdy, C. William 72819 jes 500 mp74 10,000 300 Electron-Atom and Electron-Molecule Collision Processes Meiron, Dan 75812 S jvt 500 10 Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of Laboratory Simulations of Prominence Eruptions using Exponential Propagation Methods Merrill, Brad 73653 egg 10 10 Fusion Safety Code Development Mian, Saira 73632 jtn 10,000 mp212 15,000 10,000 Learning Predictive Models from Biological Data Michael, Paul 72221 bna 400 150 Regioanl and Coastal Environmental Modeling Miksis, Michael 73156 jtr 150 120 Complex Interfacial Flows Miller, William 72525 jej 6,000 mp14 80,000 100 Semiclassical Initial Value Representation Methods for Reaction Dynamics. Mirin, Arthur 72138 S mp3 10,000 5,000 Semiclassical Initial Value Moncrieff, David 71840 jbq 15,000 10 Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations on Pyrolytic Reactions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and their Chloro Derivatives Msezane, Alfred 75693 atu 500 50 Electron/Photon Interactions with Atoms and Ions Murad, Sohail 71989 add 3,000 S mp170 1,000 10 Computer Simulations of Semi- Permeable Membranes
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Najmabadi, Farrokh 72933 jla 10,000 200 Advanced Design--ARIES Power Plant and Non-Electric Applications Studies Najmabadi, Farrokh 73733 jug 5,000 mp203 1,000 10 Plasma-Materials Interactions in the PISCES Edge Plasma Simulator Navratil, Gerald 73234 cm 150 100 Innovative Fusion Research Negele, John 73664 amm 50 mp133 90,000 25,000 Exploration of Hadron Structure using Lattice QCD Nelson, Brian 73492 uws 50 250 Helicity Injection Tokamak Current Drive and Compact Toroid Studies Neumark, Daniel 71416 jns 3,500 mp245 13,000 200 The analysis of photoelectron spectra by electronic structure calculations and quantum dynamical simulations Newman, David 74376 jvr 2,000 S mp294 2,000 100 Modeling turbulent transport in magnetically confined plasmas Nezhevenko, Oleg 71184 jpt 500 mp276 10,000 100 (1) High Power Pulsed Magnicon at 34 GHz (2) High-Power 11.4 Ghz Microwave Components for Active Bragg Pulse Compressor Ng, Esmond 72972 jtg 500 mp127 5,000 10 High-performance Sparse Matrix Algorithms Nicholas, John 73753 jrl 10,000 mp38 25,000 10 Computational Chemistry Applications in Heterogeneous Catalysis Nichols, Jeffrey 72827 jfc 3,000 mp15 15,000 60 EMSL Molecular Science Software Development and Benchmarking Nihei, Kurt 76440 S mp213 5,000 10 Decomposition of Scattering and Intrinsic Attenuation in Rock Nishiizumi, Kunihiko 74212 mp249 500 10 Studies for surface exposure dating in geomorphology Nogales, Eva 75395 S mp303 1,000 60 Structural studies of eukaryotic transcription complexes Novotny, Mark 71549 jku 380 mp100 23,500 30 Massively Parallel and Vector Computer Calculations related to Metastability in Materials Science Nozik, Arthur 71969 abh 3,500 60 Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Electron Transfer Dynamics at Semiconductor-Liquid Interfaces
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O'Brien, Tom 73702 mp183 20,000 100 Validation of the simulation of fluidized bed hydrodynamics, heat transfer, and chemistry using multiphase computational fluid dynamics Oberacker, Volker 72219 ahl 600 10 Nuclear Structure and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Reactions Olken, Frank 74352 S mp162 3,000 80 Parallelization of Code for Maximum Likelihood-based Construction of Phylogenetic Trees Olson, Doug 71910 gc5 210,000 200,000 STAR Detector Simulations and Data Analysis Olson, Doug 72878 mp46 20,000 Storage for Nuclear Physics Computations using PDSF at NERSC
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Pande, Vijay 70983 mp238 28,500 160 Role of Topology in the Folding Mechanism of Small Proteins Parker, Scott 73272 uco 450 mp118 40,000 50 (1) Large-scale kinetic simulations of beam-driven plasma turbulence; (2) Gyrokinetic simulation of plasma turbulence Patrascioiu, Adrian 72987 jup 5,000 50 Numerical Investigation of QCD and Nonlinear Sigma Models Payne, Gerald 72978 adu 50 200 Configuration-Space Faddeev Calculations Pellegrini, Claudio 72792 jfa 250 10 Theoretical and Experimental Research Program on Accelerator Physics Penner, Joyce 72982 jrs 7,000 mp231 64,000 4,000 Three-dimensional Global Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Perlmutter, Saul 71992 mp22 52,000 1,500 Spectrum Synthesis of High Redshift Supernovae Perlmutter, Saul 73992 mp128 20,000 12,000 Optimal Photometric Reduction of Supernova Images for Cosmological Measurements. Petillo, John 73665 jcz 1,000 mp104 500 300 Dissemination & Support of the ARGUS Code with Application to Accelerator Design Problems Phillpot, Simon 71670 mp251 2,500 50 Large-Scale Atomic-Level Simulation of Mechanical Deformation Pieper, Steven 72838 adl 100 mp26 5,000 100 Variational and Green's Function Monte Carlo Calculations of light nuclei. Prausnitz, John 72137 mp242 5,000 2,000 Multi-body interactions in electrolye solutions of charged colloids and the effects of macroion charge distribution on interaction force between macroions Prausnitz, John 72329 mp243 4,000 20 Hyperbranched macromolecules; the effect of stereoregularity and polymer shape on potential of mean force at different solvent conditions Pruess, Karsten 72861 mp229 2,500 100 Towards an Understanding of Coupled Physical and Chemical Processes in the Vadose Zone; A Multi-Laboratory Investigation of Contaminant Migration at the Hanford Site Pruess, Karsten 72864 mp81 5,000 50 Prediction and Evaluation of Coupled Processes for CO2 Disposal in Aquifers
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Rabitz, Herschel 72000 jeg 500 10 Studies in Chemical Dynamics ; Potential Energy Surface Representation and Time Dependent Reactive Dynamics. Ram, Abhay 71610 mit 2,500 1,000 Theoretical and computational plasma physics studies Randall, David 71749 xaf 1,000 120 Clouds and Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in the Pacific Basin Randall, David 71750 jcj 1,000 100 Implementation of a Next-Generation Atmospheric General Circulation Model Randall, David 71751 jgs 1,000 300 Use of ARM Data to test an improved parameterization of upper tropospheric clouds for use in climate models. Randall, David 72089 S mp226 500 10 Investigations of MPP Architectures for Colorado State University Climate Models Rehr, John 76360 S mp313 5,000 10 High Performance Computation of XANES Reiser, Martin 71400 adb 8,000 mp199 1,000 1,300 Transport of Space-Charge-Dominated Beams; Studies of High-Power Microwave Devices. Richard, Patrick 73432 afv 300 25 Scattering of electrons from highly- charged ions Rikvold, Per Arne 72519 jkr 600 S mp264 1,000 50 Computational Studies of Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Aspects of Statistical-Mechnical Models in Materials Science. Roberts, Craig 70794 jls 900 S mp280 500 50 Hadron Physics using Dyson-Schwinger Equations Rokhsar, Daniel 73853 mp31 10,000 10 Molecular dynamics of folding and unfolding proteins Rollett, Tony 74072 mp262 18,400 450 Microstructural Evolution Based on Fundamental Interfacial Properties Romine, Charles 73893 mp267 10,000 100 ORNL Computational Mathematics Project Rosinski, James 75852 S mp307 1,000 10 Update development version of Community Climate Model (CCM3) to run on T3E Ross, David 70940 uta 800 mp285 5,000 480 (1) Turbulence simulation and comparison with measurements on DIII-D and Alcator C-MOD (2) Studies in the design of compact stellarators Rotman, Doug 72846 aey 5,000 mp10 30,000 3,000 Parallel Implementation of a new Dynamical Core for Climate Models Rubin, Gerald 75396 S mp214 3,000 60 Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project: Correlation of Secondary RNA structure with Control of Gene Expression Rubin, Michael 76740 S mp216 5,000 100 Large scale electronic structure calculations to find optical prop- erties of thin film window coatings. Ruedenberg, Klaus 73705 aet 50 10 Molecular Bonding and Chemical Reactions; Effficient and Chemically Meaningful Electronic Structure Description in Transition State Regions on Potential Energy Surfaces of Large Molecules. Russo, Richard 72554 jnv 800 10 The Fundamental Understanding of Laser Ablation Processes Ruzic, David 70865 uiu 800 S mp284 100 120 Measurement & Modeling of Low-Energy (10 to 100eV) Sputtering & Reflection Contract; DE-FG02- 97ER54440 Ryne, Robert 74075 gc2 200,000 500 Computational Accelerator Physics Grand Challenge
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Sampson, Douglas 71414 pen 700 20 relativistic calculations of excitation and ionization of highly charged ions ions by electron impact Sandler, Stanley 71384 jmf 1,000 S mp319 2,000 10 New Group Contribution and Equation 77148 of State Models for Improved Engineering Practice Schiavilla, Rocco 72526 xad 800 10 Electro-weak Reactions on Light Nuclei Schlesinger, Michael 72029 jcb 5,300 700 Research on Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climate Change Schnack, Dalton 72934 mp21 80,000 200 NIMROD Code Development Schnack, Dalton 73132 sai 5,000 mp290 112,000 1,000 Magnetohydrodynamic Codes for Fusion Applications Schultz, David 71386 or1 1,800 mp48 26,000 500 Theoretical Atomic Physics for Fusion Schultz, David 71389 aez 2,000 mp167 15,000 300 Theory of non-relativistic and relativistic atomic collisions Schwartz, Stephen 74652 jff 500 S mp235 500 500 Cloud Albedo Perturbations on Climate Schwartz, Stephen 74653 jtj 100 200 Hemispheric Scale Chemical and Microphysical Aerosol Model Driven by Observation-Derived Meteorological Data Scoles, Giacinto 75472 mp305 22,000 10 First principles studies of the interactions between atoms and molecules and gold surfaces Seidman, David 71789 jgy 2,000 S mp253 2,500 50 First principles calculations for solutes in Al(Sc) alloys Shapiro, Marjorie 73675 fermi 7,000 Physics Analysis of CDF (Collider Detector at Fermilab) Data Shelley, Michael 73772 jne 500 60 Computations in Fluids and Materials Sherman, Max 70941 jrm 7,500 20 Infiltration Heat Recovery Shigemitsu, Junko 71351 jka 5,000 mp268 18,000 14,000 A Study of Heavy Hadrons On a Coarse Lattice Using NRQCD Shillady, Donald 76441 jvv 500 S mp321 10,000 10 Isochemistry of Fuel Gas Clusters Simon, Horst 70920 mp6 20,000 200 Sparse Linear Algebra Algorithms and Applications for MPPs Sinclair, Donald 72129 abz 79,500 mp27 115,000 17,600 Diquark condensates and Goldstone modes for two colour QCD at finite baryon number density and thermodynamics of QCD in the chiral limit. Sinclair, Donald 72469 jnc 64,000 3,200 Domain-wall and Ginsparg-Wilson fermions for Lattice Gauge Theories. Skyllingstad, Eric 76731 S mp317 5,000 40 Large Eddy Simulation of Stable Boundary Layer Turbulent Processes in Complex Terrain Smith, Barry 72169 mp11 11,500 100 PETSc Development Smith, Eric 71535 jlb 120 10 Global Water and Energy Cycle Studies from Satellite Measurements. Smoot, George 72049 mp107 30,000 500 Analyzing The MAXIMA Cosmic Microwave Background Data Sets Smoot, George 72389 mp139 4,000 45,000 Data Analysis and Simulation for AMANDA and future km-scale Neutrino Detectors Smoot, George 72859 mp272 20,000 200 Simulation & Visualization Of Tera- Scale Astrophysical Data Sets Sokoloff, Jeffrey 72814 4,000 S mp256 1,000 10 Microscopic Mechanisms for Friction
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Soni, Amarjit 73695 mp29 240,000 20,000 K to pi pi and epsilon'' calculations with Domain Wall Fermions. Sovinec, Carl 72692 lsl 1,900 mp204 19,000 1,500 nonlinear studies of magnetically confined plasmas and simulations of electrostatic confinement Spera, Frank 73172 jii 500 20 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Molecular Dynamics of Geological Fluids Spong, Don 71182 orn 19,000 mp202 80,000 12,000 Theoretical Calculations of Plasma Stability and Turbulence, RF Heating, Current and Flow Drive, and Innovative Magnetic Fusion Confinement Concepts Spong, Don 72134 or3 1,800 400 DIII-D, JET and TORE SUPRA intrinsic carbon, helium and extrinsic radiating impurity transport and particle pumping studies (under Erol Oktay of DOE/OFE) Spong, Don 72135 o12 800 250 Operational Limits Database for Burning Plasmas Spong, Don 72136 or2 800 240 National RF Research and Development ERAT560 Sposito, Garrison 72130 jny 800 mp47 10,000 100 Clay Mineral Surface Geochemistry Stocks, G. Malcolm 72813 agl 3,500 300 Fundamental studies primary radiation damage formation in materials. Stocks, G. Malcolm 73592 gc4 335,000 1,500 Materials, Methods, Microstructure and Magnetism Straatsma, Tjerk 74192 mp237 23,000 500 Molecular Modeling of Ras - Ras- Effector Complexes Strayer, Michael 71489 agy 15,000 mp124 51,300 100 Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics Strickler, Dennis 73353 etf 300 150 TSC Disruption Simulations for Tokamak Design and Analysis Strikman, Mark 73332 jte 75 10 High energy electron scattering off He-3 Strottman, Daniel 73685 jdh 1,500 S mp282 500 50 Nuclear Structure, Hadronic and Electroweak Processes and Relativistic Heavy Ions Sudan, Ravindra 73683 cui 200 S mp293 500 200 Ion Rings for Magnetic Fusion Suits, Arthur 74295 juj 6,000 50 (1) Chemical Dynamics Free Radical and Excited State Computation (2) Chemical Dynamics Excited Ion Computation
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Tajima, Toshi 71382 jle 1,600 429 Laser Wakefield Excitation and Measurement on a Femtosecond TimeScale; Optimization of the Laser Wakefield Accelerator; from Single- to Multi-stage Takahashi, Hiroshi 72572 jbl 420 10 Productions and collection of secondary particles(anti-baryon and, pion and muon) Talbot, Lawrence 71993 jqz 100 10 Turbulent combustion Taylor, John 77827 S mp320 2,060 500 Regional Climate Simulations for the US Midwest Tierney, Brian 75832 ppdg 3,000 NGI: Particle Physics Data Grid Tong, S. 73352 agc 3,000 50 The Structure of Surfaces Using Diffraction and Holographic Techniques Toon, Owen 73661 mp192 45,560 5,000 Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds for climate studies Torney, David 76882 jvw 2,000 10 Statistical Analysis of Domains in Protein Sequences Toussaint, Doug 71769 mp13 110,000 1,200 QCD simulations with improved Kogut- Susskind quarks Trugman, Stuart 73686 jtt 1,500 S mp260 500 10 Integrated Modeling of Novel Materials Tsang, Chin-Fu 72944 agi 200 60 Large Scale Coupled Thermo-Hydro- Mechanical Analysis for Subsurface Geological Processes Turnbull, Alan 71388 ga 27,000 mp94 500 1,800 Equilibrium, Stability, and Transport Studies of Toroidal Magnetic Confinement Systems Turnbull, Alan 72633 jvq 4,500 mp152 1,500 120 Linear and Nonlinear MHD Benchmark Studies Using the NIMROD Code
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Vachaspati, Tanmay 71120 jtw 5,000 10 Cosmology of strings and other topological defects Vahala, George 72140 wam 12,000 mp32 39,000 120 Lattice Boltzmann Simulations for Divertor Physics and Turbulence Van Hove, Michel 71991 jpi 300 mp180 1,000 10 Theory of Diffraction and Holography Van Hove, Michel 72330 mp23 2,500 60 Application of Genetic Algorithms to Surface Structural Optimization Vasco, Don 72860 mp146 14,500 60 Center for Computational Seismology(Subproject; Advanced Computation for Geophysical Inverse Problems) Vary, James 75692 aea 500 50 Structure and Reactions of Hadrons and Nuclei; Relativistic Bound States and Scattering States in QCD
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Wagner, Al 72853 mp166 20,000 5 Chemical Scaling Studies in Combustion Wang, Lin-Wan 75398 B mp304 15,000 120 Electronic structure codes and calculations Wang, Wei-Chyung 71323 gd1 2,000 110 Study of Regional Climate Change Wang, Wei-Chyung 72835 juq 3,600 100 Atmospheric Ozone as a Climate Gas Ware, Andrew 73512 juh 1,000 mp205 3,000 18 Theory of Turbulent Heat and Particle Fluxes in ExB Shear Flow and Computational Modeling of the Stability of Novel Stellarators Washington, Warren 71413 mp9 375,000 15,000 Coupled Parallel Climate Model (PCM) Applications to Climate Change Prediction for the IPCC and the National Assessment Waychunas, Glenn 74032 jvf 100 S mp248 1,500 10 Simulation of transition metal K- and L-edge XANES spectra of solvated and surface-complexated species Webb, Paul 73792 jel 100 100 DOE Rocky Flats Field Office Safety & Health Support Weber, William 71589 mp148 11,000 250 Ion-Solid Interactions in Ceramics Wehner, Michael 71399 mp193 82,600 5,000 PCMDI- Coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling Wehner, Michael 71404 mp224 13,600 1,000 PCMDI- Ensembles of NCAR CCM3 integrations Wehner, Michael 71411 xaw 3,000 5,000 Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) Wehner, Michael 71412 afu 50,000 40,000 Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison Weinert, Michael 72002 bnc 16,000 150 Electronic Structure of Alloys and Surfaces Weitzner, Harold 71121 nyu 800 150 Advanced Toroidal Theory and Computation Weitzner, Harold 71122 ny1 850 50 Advanced Stellarator Theory Wessel, Frank 73155 jjf 50 S mp291 500 10 Thermonuclear Fusion in a Staged Z- Pinch White, John 73973 jnp 80 60 Fusion Neutronics Codes and Nuclear Data White, Ralph 72947 jjl 1,000 mp168 10,000 100 Mathematical modeling of electrochemical systems Wilkins, John 72843 mp160 40,000 50 Quantum simulations of defected materials Wolf, Dieter 72218 mp255 14,250 150 Charge Screening at Grain Boundaries in Ceramics Wu, Ruqian 70863 jvc 10,000 mp244 15,000 10 First Principles Investigations and Simulations for Catalytic Properties of Bimetallic and Metal/Oxide Surfaces Wuebbles, Donald 72521 jmv 1,100 S mp79 2,000 1,200 Parallel modeling of global atmospheric chemistry and physics Wurtele, Jonathan 71971 aiq 10,000 500 Two and three dimensional nonlinear fluid codes for plasma channels; muon cooling channel simulations.
Requestor Name ERCAP PVP MPP HPSS Request Title Id Repo Hours Repo Hours SRUs
Xie, Ganquan 71431 ngi 5,000 500 New 3D Parallel GILD Geophysical and Hydrology Coupled Modeling and Subsurface Imaging Using Global Integral And Local Differential Decomposition Method Xie, Ganquan 71432 jve 5,000 mp71 5,000 500 New 3D Electromagnetic (EM) and Seismic and Flow Coupled Modeling and Nonlinear Inversion for Geo- Hydro Subsurface Imaging
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Yelick, Katherine 73274 jvl 400 mp215 2,000 250 Titanium, Sparsity, and ISTORE Yu, David 71394 xbe 500 200 X-Band PWT Photoinjector
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Zaider, Marco 72449 crr 50 100 The effects of low doses of ionizing radiation on biological systems Charged particle transport in condensed biomaterials. Zaidman, Ernest 71929 jey 200 300 Microwave Applications Zhang, Shengbai 71729 jvh 2,000 mp252 9,250 1,000 Overcome doping bottlenecks in semiconductors and wide-gap materials via large-scale simulations Zunger, Alex 71692 mp70 50,500 2,000 Application of electronic structure methods to large semiconductor quantum nanostructures Zunger, Alex 71694 srz 6,000 2,000 Semiconductor Theory and Alloy Theory

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