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  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

HPSS Project Directories

A special project directory can be created in HPSS for groups of researchers who wish to easily share files. The files in this directory will be readable by all members of a particular Unix file group. This file group can have same name as a repository (in which case all members the repository will have access to the project directory), or a new name can be requested (in which case only those users added to the new file group by the requester will have access to the project directory).

HPSS project directories have the following properties:

  • reside at /nersc/projects in the "" HPSS system;
  • owned by the PI,PI Proxy, or Project Manager;
  • have suitable group attribute (include "setgid bit").

To request creation of an HPSS project directory, the PI, PI Proxy, or Project Manager of the requesting repository should fill out the HPSS Project Directory Request Form.

The NERSC Consultants will notify the requester when the directory is ready for use.

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