NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Disk Quota Change Request Form

NERSC will consider reasonable requests for changes in disk space and inode limits. Please use this form to submit such a request. Requests may be made for file systems ($HOME and/or $SCRATCH) that are local to specific compute platforms (Jacquard, Bassi, DaVinci, and/or Franklin), or for project directories in NGF (NERSC Global Filesystem). Please ask for the least amount of resources you need, since the sum of disk space and inodes allocated to users already exceeds system capacity. In other words, system resources would be exhausted before all users could use their existing quotas.

Disk quota change request form
Login name (username):
E-mail address:
Phone number:
File System:
Name of project directory (NGF only):
Change disk space quota to:
Change inode quota to:
Reasons for request:
Change should be in effect for:

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