National Endowment for the Humanities
Different styles of the logos for NEH and We the People are provided below. To view the high-resolution .TIF files, click on the corresponding links. To save these files locally, right click on the links and use the applicable extensions of .TIF or .EPS and save as type: .
The .EPS files are available in both black & white and colored on the first logo below by right clicking on the .EPS link and saving. Requests for other .EPS files or larger versions of the logo should be addressed to Maria Biernik at


NEH Logo: Color Horizontal         GIF version

High-resolution .TIF version (56.2K)

High-resolution .EPS version (1.52 MB)
(Includes both black and white and colored graphics;
save file as .EPS file )


NEH Logo: Black and White Horizontal        GIF version

High-resolution .TIF version (37.2K)


NEH Logo: Horizontal Black and White Line Art                         GIF version

High-resolution .TIF version (31.8K)


NEH Logo: Vertical Color         GIF version

High-resolution .TIF version (106K)


NEH Logo: Vertical Black and White        GIF version

High-resolution .TIF version (66.4K)


NEH Logo: Vertical Black and White Line Art        GIF version

High-resolution .TIF version (73.2K)


We the People Logo        GIF version

High-resolution .TIF version (22.7K)