University of Illinois Extension


Privacy Statement

Your privacy is very important to us. We respect and honor your privacy and want to assure you that whatever personal information you provide us will remain private. Our privacy commitment to you includes:
  • Under no circumstances will we rent, sell, or give your e-mail address or other contact information to anyone.
  • Contact information that you provide will only be used to deliver information to you that have specifically requested. Requests to cease delivery of periodic items (e.g. newsletters, mailing lists) will be honored in a timely fashion.
  • Personal information will be used only internally in aggregate to gather anonymous usage statistics to help us better understand our audience.
  • If you choose to use the "Ask an Expert" sections, your contact information and personal information will be shared with the expert in order to better address your questions.

Required Information

(6 to 15 characters)
(6 to 15 characters)

Farm Information

(if your occupation is Livestock / Farm Manager)

Demographic Information


Please select any sites you wish to receive newsletters and notifications of upcoming events from.