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Agenda - December 2, 2003

President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

Tuesday, December 2, 2003

The Wyndham Washington Hotel
Monticello Ballroom (lower level)
1400 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

Meeting Agenda

9:00 AM

Meeting Convenes

9:15 AM

NNI Grand Challenge Discussion

10:45 AM

Presentation and Discussion of Preliminary Discussion Draft from the Subcommittee on Science & Engineering Workforce/Education

1:00 PM

Nanotechnology Presentations

• Panel on Commercialization Issues
• Panel on Semiconductor Materials/Devices R&D

3:00 PM

Presentation and Discussion of Draft Report from Subcommittee on Information Technology Manufacturing and Competitiveness

• Report to be Approved Pending the Discussion

3:30 PM

Public Presenters

3:45 PM

Meeting Adjourns