Organic Trade Association's Export Directory OnlineUSA BIO ORGANIC logo
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If you wish your company to be listed in the Organic Trade Association's Organic Export Directory, please fill out the form below.
Only certified organic products grown or manufactured in the United States and exported from the US are eligible for listing.


OTA reserves the right to edit for space, grammar or content.

Which one of the following best describes your company?
Supplier Using an Export Agent � we use an agent for all our export transactions.
Experienced Exporter � we regularly complete more than 6 export transactions per year.
New Exporter � we have completed only 1 to 6 export transactions to date.

   (NOTE: If you are interested, but have not exported yet � you are not eligible to list in this directory. Please refer to the USDA/FAS (Foreign Agriculture Service) web site for resources to get you started right on the challenging road to commercial organic export.)
Contact Information:
   (Please note that Contact Person should be the individual who will respond to inquiries.)
    Are you a member of the Organic Trade Association?
    If not, check out OTA membership benefits

    *Company Name:
    Secondary Co. Name:
    CEO Name:
    *Contact Person First Name:
    *Contact Person Last Name:
    (do NOT include the http://)
    Additional Website:
    (do NOT include the http://)
    *Company E-mail:
    *Mailing Address:
Only certified organic products grown or manufactured in the United States and exported from the US are eligible for listing. This is a government funded project. There are no exceptions.
    Dun & Bradstreet #:
    SIC Code:

    *required fields

What is your company�s total annual organic sales volume?

Certification: Is your operation certified organic?
If yes, by whom?

What year was your business founded?

*Number of Employees:

Business Description: (750 Character Limit)
This is a text-only ad that will appear as part of your listing.
Products and Services: (750 Character Limit)
Use this space to LIST brand names or products carried

FAS U.S. Suppliers List This year, OTA is collaborating with USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) to offer exporters the opportunity to be included in the U.S. Suppliers List. The list is an on-line searchable database of over 5,000 U.S. exporters and over 500 product categories used by FAS overseas and Washington D.C. offices to help export agents, trading companies, importers and foreign buyers locate U.S. agricultural products. The list may also be used to recruit U.S. exporters to participate in market development activities sponsored by USDA and other federal export programs. Your company's information will be added to the FAS U.S. Suppliers List unless you indicate by checking below that you would prefer not to be listed. If you'd like to discuss this with someone at FAS before deciding, contact Pamela Sherard, 202-720-7409 (phone), 202-690-0193 (fax), or email).

DO NOT add my company to the FAS U.S. Suppliers List data base.

The following questions will help FAS to better target and improve export services to the US organic sector.

What, if any, USDA export programs have you used in the last six months?

    (to choose more than one option hold down the control key while selecting)


In the last six months, have you had any inquiries from importers or foreign buyers?

   How many inquiries did you receive?

How did the importer obtain information on your company?


As a result of these inquiries, did you negotiate any sales?

Electronic Signature
    Print your name:


The OTA's Organic Export Program is funded through the Market Access Program of the Foreign Agricultural Service of USDA.

OTA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation or marital/family status. Persons with disabilities, who require alternative means for communication of program information, should contact us at the location below.

Disclaimer: Organic Trade Association (OTA) is providing this information solely as a resource to the public. Although the information contained on this site is believed to be correct at the time of posting, OTA disclaims all responsibility for any damages or liability that may result from use or reliance on this web site or information contained herein. All of the business descriptions, products, services and advertisements have been provided solely by the companies and organizations listed. Although OTA has worked to provide accurate information, inclusion on this site is not intended as an endorsement or guarantee from OTA.

OTA strongly recommends that you obtain confirmation of any products's organic certification status from a USDA accredited certifier before completing any transactions.

Copyright © 2009 by Organic Trade Association (OTA)
Single use rights of individual search results are hereby granted.
All other rights reserved.
Reproduction or transmission in whole or part, by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying, recording, scanning or by any informational storage or retrieval system), without the written permission of OTA is prohibited.

Organic Trade Association
60 Wells Street P.O. Box 547
Greenfield, MA 01302 USA
Phone: + (413) 774-7511     Fax: + (413) 774-6432