Biomass from Forests PDF Print E-mail

The Forest Guild practices and promotes ecologically, economically, and socially responsible forestry—"excellent forestry." Biomass removals have become a key part of forestry across the country. Whether woody biomass removals are implemented for forest health, fire threat reduction, pulp production, energy needs, or timber stand improvement, the process must leave the forest healthier and help sustain forest dependent communities. The Guild is actively engaged in (1) research into successful strategies for biomass removal, (2) the development of guidelines for biomass removal that protect all forest values, and (3) projects that provide energy from low grade wood. For definitions of woody biomass and some utilization terms click here.


Research: Biomass removal case studies identifying strategies for success

The Forest Guild’s research program received a grant in September 2007 from the Joint Fire Sciences Program to undertake a year long investigation of biomass removal projects. Our goal is to uncover strategies and techniques used by managers across the country to successfully implement ecologically sound biomass projects. The investigation will be based on case studies of actual, on-the-ground projects. The Forest Guild is involving partners from communities, non-profit organizations, conservation groups, private industry, and federal agencies to collect biomass removal case studies that represent the full range of projects. Case studies cover a broad range of project objectives, treatment techniques, and prescriptions. The woody biomass removals case study project webpage is available here.

Policy: Guidelines for biomass harvesting

New interest in woody biomass presents the opportunity to create guidelines that ensure biomass is harvested in ways that protect all forest values. For example, Minnesota has already written guidelines, and Maine has begun a similar process. The Guild hopes to join with others interested in socially and ecologically responsible forestry to draft and promote guidelines for woody biomass removals.

As part of the Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition, the Forest Guild helped to draft an issue paper on woody biomass, which includes a vision for woody biomass utilization that helps catalyze rural development and forest restoration. The issue paper also present a policy strategy to support commuinity-scale, integrated woody biomass utilization.

Implementation: Community wood energy

The Forest Guild is working with communities in the northeastern and southwestern United States to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and rising energy costs with a market-based approach that provides a local, renewable, and carbon neutral energy supply. In Vermont, the Guild is using a pilot project for a Bristol school to develop a prototype community wood energy model that can be successfully adapted across the region. The Forest Guild and its partners are identifying sources for a local, sustainably grown wood supply from forestlands being managed in ways that conserve water quality, maintain site productivity, support biodiversity, increase carbon storage capacity, and improve forest health. In New Mexico, the Forest Guild is leading a forest restoration project that will also generate fuelwood for local use.

Read the Guild's report A Market-Based Approach to Community Wood Energy: An Opportunity for Consulting Foresters or Harnessing the Power of Local Wood Energy (1 page abstract).


Forest Wisdom Issue 12

The Southeast. The newest Forest Wisdom focuses on the southeastern region with article on forestry trends, drought research and observations, recovering a southern forest treasure, creating local markets for forest products, and the impact of forestland investors on forestry practice.