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Transportation Planning Capacity Building   
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The Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program
Planning for a Better Tomorrow
Assisting transportation officials and staff to resolve increasingly
complex issues related to transportation needs in their communities

Completed Peer Programs and Case Studies
  MPO Role in Air Quality Conformity Consultation in New York State (October 2008)
  Best Practices in Bicycle Facilities Planning: Learning from the Chicago Experience (June 2008)
  Developing an Electronic STIP Process (e-STIP) in Connecticut (May 2008)
  Best Practices in Tribal Consultations (May 2008)
  Making the Land Use and Transportation Connection in Tulsa (April 2008)
  MPO Consolidation: Learning from the San Diego Model (March 2008)
  Project Prioritization in the Atlanta Region (October 2007)
  Developing an Asset Management Program (August 2007)
  Integrating Land Use and Transportation Planning (August 2007)
  Rural Transportation Planning (June 2007)
  Managing Expectations through NEPA (June 2007)
  Completing the Streets for Transit: A Peer Roundtable (May 2007)
  Using ACS Data in Transportation Planning Applications (May 2007)
Other Updates
  Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP) Status Report (January 2008)
  Nationwide Survey of Transportation Planning Courses: Introduction, Findings, and Recommendations (Jan. 2007)

bullet Our Mission

The Transportation Planning Capacity Building (TPCB) Program is designed to help decision makers, transportation officials, and staff resolve the increasingly complex issues they face when addressing transportation needs in their communities. This comprehensive program for training, technical assistance, and support is targeted to State, local, regional, and tribal governments, transit operators, and community leaders.

bullet About the Program


The Transportation Planning Capacity Building (TPCB) Program is a collaborative effort of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) with various public and private organizations. Broadly speaking, it exists to help state and local transportation staff meet their complex political, social, economic, and environmental demands. On a practical level, the TPCB Program provides information, training, and technical assistance to help transportation professionals create plans and programs that respond to the needs of the many users of their local transportation systems.


  • Provide background information for transportation officials to enhance their understanding of the transportation planning process, their role within the process, and its relationship to community and societal goals.
  • Strengthen transportation planning staff skills in the areas of consensus building, understanding policy guidance, and grasping the technical elements of their job through training and peer-to-peer exchanges;
  • Provide a means for disseminating commendable examples of transportation planning practices across the nation; and
  • Provide new metropolitan planning organizations and areas newly designated as non-attainment areas for air quality with information, training, and technical assistance.


  • Gather and disseminate examples of effective transportation planning practices from across the nation.
  • Act as a central clearinghouse for information and contacts within the transportation planning community.
  • Create training programs and support peer-to-peer information exchanges that strengthen staff understanding of policy guidelines and of the technical elements of the planning process.
  • Provide information, training, and technical assistance to states, local and tribal planning organizations, and transportation agencies.
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Click a highlighted date on the calendar to see what planning-related conferences, events, workshops, or important deadlines fall on that day.

January 2009
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The Program

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