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Biomass CHP

Biomass CHP Tools and Resources

In 2001, Weyerhaeuser Company installed an 88 megawatt (MW) CHP system fueled almost entirely by biomass at its bleached pulp mill in Hawesville, Kentucky. Pulp and paper biomass represents 96 percent of the fuel used in the CHP system, and natural gas accounts for the remaining 4 percent. EPA awarded the system with a 2005 ENERGY STAR® CHP Award.

Aerial view of installation

The use of renewable fuels for power generation is on the rise, an increase that can be attributed to the price surge and volatility of traditional fuels, as well as a general desire to use more environmentally friendly materials for power generation. Wind, solar, and biomass are experiencing strong market growth, but of these renewable energy sources, only biomass can be used to efficiently produce both heat and power, by fueling a combined heat and power (CHP) system. As of November 2006, biomass was the second most widely used renewable fuel for electricity production in the United States, and approximately 7.8 gigawatts of this biopower was CHP.

One cost-effective approach to sourcing biomass for CHP is to use opportunity fuels—waste materials from agricultural or industrial processes that are available at or close to the CHP site. Utilizing these opportunity fuels may have additional benefits, including displacing purchased fossil fuel, freeing up landfill space, and reducing tipping fees associated with waste disposal. Opportunity fuels include:

Considerations for a Successful Biomass CHP Project

Additional Resources

The following resource provides further insights into the benefits and possibilities for CHP fueled by biomass or biogas resources.

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