Posture Plan Development Workshop
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President's Biofuels Initiative
Federal Biofuels Posture Plan Workshop

November 28 - 29, 2006
L'Enfant Plaza Hotel

A first of its kind interagency workshop is being held on November 28-29, 2006 to develop a Federal Biofuels Posture Plan (Posture Plan). The Posture Plan will improve government, industry, and other stakeholders' ability to work together to successfully meet the President’s Advanced Energy Initiative goal for biomass: to make cellulosic ethanol cost competitive by 2012. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Biomass Program, which was the direct recipient of the President’s AEI increased funding, has also set a longer term goal to displace 30% of the 2004 U.S. motor gasoline demand with biofuels by 2030. The DOE refers to these two goals as the Biofuels Initiative.

The workshop will help gather and organize the details of federally funded activities, both current and planned, that will support the two goals of the Biofuels Initiative. This will range from basic to applied research as well as activities to support deployment and market readiness. Workshop participants will help identify gaps and overlapping effort across the federal sector, as well as the areas of strength and focus for each Agency in the area of biofuels. The meeting outcomes will be used to develop the Posture Plan, which will describe Agency activities and roles related to meeting the goals of the Biofuels Initiative.

Participating Federal Agencies include: USDA, DOE, NSF, DOT, EPA, DOI, OSTP, OFEE, DOC, and DOD

*We hope to involve other agencies as their interest and activities supporting the Biofuels Initiative are determined.
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