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Many of the web sites listed below have researched the Nixon Presidential Materials to develop their product.

  • The American Presidency Project
    John Woolley and Gerhard Peters, Department of Political Science, University of California at Santa Barbara

    Kinds of Materials:   Document sets, audio, video, data, and links

    The site contains historical information and data relating to Presidential elections, national political parties, Presidential popularity, growth of the executive branch, and relations with Congress. The site also makes available primary source materials, including the Public Papers of the President and Presidential Inaugural Addresses, as well as audiovisual material, such as the television broadcast of Nixon's resignation announcement and audio of his address to the nation announcing the conclusion of an agreement ending the Vietnam War.

  • The American Presidency Tours
    Michael Hutchison

    Kinds of Materials:   Essays, links, games and quizzes, bios, audio, video, photos

    Using Tramline TourMaker software, Hutchison put together an annotated tour of fourteen sites that examine both the Presidency and the men who have been President. Some of the "tour stops" cover Presidential rankings, elections, polling, political parties, the Electoral College, and the League of Women Voters.

  • The American President
    University of Virginia, Miller Center of Public Affairs with additional support provided by New York Life and Picture History

    Kinds of Materials:   Essays, multimedia clips, and links

    This non-partisan resource contains information on the history of the Presidency including the President's Cabinet, staff, key events, and biographies of the First Ladies and the Presidents. The other section, Presidency in Action, has information on domestic and economic policies, legislative affairs, national security, Presidential politics, and the administration of the government and the White House.

  • American Presidents: Life Portraits
    National Cable Satellite Corporation, C-Span

    Kinds of Materials:   video, bibliography, data

    Designed to complement C-SPAN's 1999 television series, "American Presidents: Life Portraits," the site contains a complete video archive of the programming as well as facts about each President and a brief bibliography.

  • BBC "On this Day"
    British Broadcasting Corporation

    Kinds of Materials:   Newspaper articles, video, audio, timeline

    One can browse by theme or year, go to a specific day, or search. Includes topics such as "Day Nixon Resigned," "Nixon Takes Rap for Watergate," "Kennedy-Nixon Debates," "Khrushchev-Nixon's War of Words," "Nixon's Historic Visit to China," and "Millions March in Vietnam Protests."

  • Central Intelligence Agency-National Intelligence Estimates on China
    Central Intelligence Agency

    Kinds of Materials:   Documents

    Includes 71 declassified National Intelligence Estimates on China dating from 1948 to 1976.

  • China-PBS: Nixon's China Game
    Public Broadcasting System

    Kinds of Materials:   Essays, video, audio, trivia game, interactive map, timeline, and teacher's guide

    Part of PBS's American Experience series, this website is a companion to the film. The site contains essays on Nixon's historic visit to China, as well as a timeline of U.S.-China relations from 1945 to 1979, an interactive map showing the President's trip schedule, and an interview with Henry Kissinger.

  • China-With Nixon in China: A Memoir
    Dirck Halstead, Digital Journalist

    Kinds of Materials:   Article, photographs

    In this article, Dirck Halstead describes his experiences as one of the photographers allowed to accompany the President on the February 1972 trip to China.

  • Educators and Students
    National Archives and Records Administration

    Kinds of Materials:   Lesson plans, primary sources, inaugural quiz

    Variety of topics relating to U.S. history and the Presidency are covered, including Franklin Roosevelt's Fireside Chats and Watergate.

  • Elections and Campaigns
    The Living Room Candidate, Presidential Campaign Commercials, 1952-2004
    American Museum of the Moving Image

    Kinds of Materials:   video, essays, and lesson plans

    This online exhibition presents more than 250 television commercials from every election year beginning in 1952, when the first campaign ads aired, to ads from the 2004 campaign. The site includes a searchable database and features commentary, historical background, election results, and navigation organized by both year and theme. For the 1968 election, for example, the site features commercials for Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, and George Wallace.

  • Electoral College
    National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register

    Kinds of Materials:   Documents, data, teaching resources

    Describes the Electoral College, provides information for state officials, and presents historical election results.

  • Elvis Presley - The Day Nixon Met Elvis
    National Archives and Records Administration

    Kinds of Materials:   Documents and photos

    This site describes Elvis Presley's visit with President Nixon in the Oval Office in December 1970; it includes the letter Elvis wrote to him, memoranda arranging the meeting, and pictures of the event.

  • Elvis Presley - The Nixon-Presley Meeting
    National Security Archive

    Kinds of Materials:   Documents and photos

    This site describes Elvis Presley's visit with President Nixon in the Oval Office in December 1970; it includes the letter Elvis wrote to him, memoranda arranging the meeting, and pictures of the event.

  • First Ladies-National Library of First Ladies
    National Library of First Ladies

    Kinds of Materials:   Links

    The website of the National Library of First Ladies, a privately funded library in Canton, Ohio, contains information about the library's holdings and a biography of and bibliography about the First Ladies, including Thelma Catherine (Pat) Nixon.

  • History and Politics Out Loud
    Michigan State University and the National Gallery of the Spoken Word with support from the National Endowment of the Humanities

    Kinds of Materials:   Audio

    Site is a searchable archive of politically significant audio materials, including over thirty recordings of Nixon related to Watergate.

  • Interviews-Nixon and Frank Gannon
    University of Georgia Libraries

    Kinds of Materials:   Video, transcripts, quiz

    In 1983, Frank Gannon, a former employee and trusted friend of Nixon, interviewed the former President over a period of seven months. Clips of the videotaped interviews are available on the web site, and transcripts for all of the sessions are online. The site also includes a brief bibliography, partial indices to the interviews, and an online quiz.

  • National Security Archive
    George Washington University

    Kinds of Materials:   Primary source documents and essays

    The National Security Archive is a non-governmental research institute and library, focusing on international affairs. Numerous documents relating to events during the Nixon Administration are available online, including, but not limited to the following topics:

  • Photograph Collection: Ollie Atkins
    George Mason University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives

    Kinds of Materials:   Photographs

    Oliver "Ollie" Atkins was a magazine and White House photographer from the 1940s through the 1970s and was President Nixon's chief White House photographer. This web site provides a representative selection of Atkins' work, including images of Nixon and the First Family, Nixon in China, and Nixon with various celebrities who visited the White House.

    Additional Atkins photographs, documenting President Richard M. Nixon's 1972 Campaign are available through the George Mason Archival Repository Service.

  • Photographing History: Fred J. Maroon and the Nixon Years, 1970-1974
    National Museum of American History

    Kinds of Materials:   Photographs, audio, essays, timeline

    This web site is based on an exhibition that was on view in the National Museum of American History in 1999. Site includes commentary and photographs of Nixon taken by Fred J. Maroon, a free-lance photographer.

  • Photojournalism and the American Presidency: Reading America's Photos
    University of Texas at Austin

    Kinds of Materials:   photographs, video, lesson plans

    Using fifteen photographs each of Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, this website examines the relationship between jounalism, photography, and the office of the President. Featured photojournalists include Dirck Halstead, Diana Walker, Wally McNamee, and David Hume Kennerly.

  • Portraits of American Presidents and First Ladies
    Library of Congress

    Kinds of Materials:   Portraits, bibliography

    Contains formal and informal portraits of Presidents and First Ladies.

  • Power-The American President
    Public Broadcasting System

    Kinds of Materials:   Video clip, bibliography, primary source

    Episode 9 of the PBS series "The American President" discusses Nixon's attempt to expand Presidential power. Website contains information for ordering the videotape, video clip, brief bibliography, Nixon's resignation letter, and a short introduction.

  • Presidential Inaugurations
    Library of Congress

    Kinds of Materials:   Documents, photographs, essays, video

    A collection of approximately four hundred items or two thousand digital files relating to inaugurations from George Washington's in 1789 to George W. Bush's inauguration of 2001. This presentation includes diaries and letters of Presidents and of those who witnessed inaugurations, handwritten drafts of inaugural addresses, broadsides, inaugural tickets and programs, prints, photographs, and sheet music. Site includes information on the inaugurations of Richard Nixon in 1969 and 1973.

  • Presidential Libraries
    National Archives and Records Administration

    Kinds of Materials:   Links

    Links to the websites of the Presidential Libraries within the Federal Presidential Library system.

  • Presidential Pardons
    JURIST: The Legal Education Network, University of Pittsburgh School of Law

    Kinds of Materials:   Legal news, On-line Roundtable, Constitutional Basis, History, Regulations, Cases, Statistics, Committee Proceedings, Bibliography

    Includes statistical tables and charts of clemency actions, including those actions taken by Nixon.

  • Public Papers of the Presidents, Richard Nixon
    Published by the Office of the Federal Register, NARA

    Kinds of Materials:   Presidential messages and statements, including speeches, White House news releases, and press conference remarks

    The Public Papers of the Presidents, Richard Nixon can be found in many libraries around the United States as well as online:

  • Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace
    Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace

    Kinds of Materials:   News, Reviews, Commentaries, Exhibits, Events, Photos, and Letters from John Taylor, Foundation Director

    The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation is a private foundation working to support the Presidential Library and to promote President Nixon's legacy.

  • Tapes-White House Tapes: The President Calling
    Stephen Smith and Kate Ellis, American RadioWorks

    Kinds of Materials:   Essays, transcripts, audio

    In this site, American RadioWorks, the national documentary unit of Minnesota Public Radio, provides contextual information about the secretly-taped telephone conversations of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon as well as transcripts and excerpts from select conversations.

  • Tapes-White House Tapes.org
    University of Virginia, Miller Center of Public Affairs, Presidential Recordings Program

    Kind of Materials: Audio, video, essays, news archives, photographs

    Listen to secretly recorded tapes from Presidents Roosevelt through Nixon. Experience a 30th anniversary online exhibit of President Nixon's last three days in office, including Nixon's resignation speech, a photograph album, and President Ford's pardon of Nixon. The site also presents a bibliography and links to other related sites. http://www.millercenter.virginia.edu/scripps/exhibits/nixon/index.html.

  • Teaching American History
    Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University

    Kinds of Materials:   Transcripts of documents

    Site includes six transcripts of: Nixon's 1952 "Checkers" speech in Los Angeles; the 1959 debate between Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev; a letter from President Nixon to President Nguyen Van Thieu, January 5, 1973; Nixon's statement announcing an agreement had been reached to end the Vietnam War; excerpts from the Paris Accords; and excerpts from the decision in United States v. Nixon (1974).

  • Telcons-Henry A. Kissinger
    State Department

    Kinds of Materials:   Documents

    Includes transcripts of telephone conversations of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (September 1973 to December 1976). The collection contains the transcripts of conversations between: Dr. Kissinger and former Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, leaders in government and business, members of the press, foreign ambassadors, and prominent members of the national and international communities. The transcripts include records of Dr. Kissinger's role in the Middle East peace process, shuttle diplomacy after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Cyprus crisis of 1974, U.S.-Soviet Union relations, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) negotiations, and actions in negotiating a Vietnamese peace treaty.

  • Vanderbilt Television News Archive
    http://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu (May require user registration)
    Vanderbilt University

    Kinds of Materials: searchable database to abstracts of broadcasts of evening television news programs.

    "The Vanderbilt Television News Archive is the world's most extensive and complete archive of television news. We have been recording, preserving and providing access to television news broadcasts of the national networks since August 5, 1968."
    This site's search engine can be used to locate recorded content also available from the Nixon Library, in the videotaped Weekly News Summaries contained in the White House Communications Agency Videotape Collection.

  • Vincent Voice Library
    Michigan State University

    Kinds of Materials:   audio

    The Vincent Voice Library is a collection of primary source sound material, found mainly in speech, interview, lecture, and performance formats. The finding aid describes 69 audio files with words either about or spoken by Richard Nixon. The audio for 42 of those 69 is available online, and the majority of these files are recordings of Nixon's speeches during his Presidency. The site, for example, includes recordings of Nixon accepting the presidential nomination at the 1972 Republican National Convention, of Nixon's address to the nation regarding troop withdrawals from Vietnam, and of Nixon's announcement of his resignation

  • Washington Post : Watergate Revisited
    Washington Post

    Kinds of Materials:   Washington Post articles, video, audio, timeline, key players, photos and cartoons, documents, and interactive quiz

    The Watergate scandal resulted in a lasting change in the dynamics of government officials, the media, and the general public. It began when five employees of the Republican National Committee to Re-elect the President were arrested breaking into the offices of Democratic National Committee headquarters. Washington Post Reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein became famous for their investigative articles of the cover-up. Richard Nixon directed a cover-up resulting in his indictment on charges of obstruction of justice and abuse of governmental powers and led to his eventual resignation of the Presidency. Forty administration officials, campaign officials, and campaign contributors were indicted.

  • Watergate Exhibit: Gerald R. Ford Library
    Gerald R. Ford Library, Office of Presidential Libraries, NARA

    Kinds of Materials:   On-line exhibit, documents, audio, video, and timelines

    Upon Richard Nixon's resignation of the Presidency, Gerald Ford became President during the "Constitution Crisis" created by the Watergate scandal. Later he pardoned Richard Nixon. This exhibit draws on photographs, documents, and video from the holdings of the National Archives to present the story of Watergate from the break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in May 1972 to Ford's pardon of Nixon in September 1974.

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