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Farming Philosophy

There are 29 items in this department.
Small Farms are Real Farms  
Item#: 9781601730060
Small Farms are Real Farms


You Can Farm  
Item#: 9780963810922
You Can Farm


Family Friendly Farming  
Item#: 9780963810939
Family Friendly Farming


Non-Toxic Farming Handbook  
Item#: 9780911311563
Non-Toxic Farming Handbook


Scratching the Woodchuck  
Item#: 9780820321547
Scratching the Woodchuck


Polyface Farm DVD, Joel Salatin  
Item#: 37101069243
Polyface Farm DVD, Joel Salatin


Farmers of Forty Centuries  
Item#: 9780486436098
Farmers of Forty Centuries


Buffalo for the Broken Heart  
Item#: 9780375761393
Buffalo for the Broken Heart


Logsdon Collection (2 books)  
Item#: 0-300-0000-18
Logsdon Collection (2 books)


Return to Pleasant Valley  
Item#: 9780929332062
Return to Pleasant Valley


Kline Collection  (2 books)  
Item#: COMBO-1
Kline Collection (2 books)


Pleasant Valley  
Item#: 9781888683561
Pleasant Valley


Living at Nature's Pace  
Item#: 9781890132569
Living at Nature's Pace


Great Possessions  
Item#: 9781888683226
Great Possessions


All Flesh Is Grass  
Item#: 9780804010696
All Flesh Is Grass


Contrary Farmer  
Item#: 9780930031749
Contrary Farmer


Writings of a Deliberate Agrarian  
Item#: 978-0972-656474
Writings of a Deliberate Agrarian


Return to Common Sense  
Item#: 9781930217171
Return to Common Sense


Malabar Farm  
Item#: 9781888683844
Malabar Farm


Animal, Vegetable, Miracle  
Item#: 9780060852559
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle


Item#: 9781559636452


Unsettling of America , The  
Item#: 9780871568779
Unsettling of America , The


Crisis & Opportunity  
Item#: 9780803211421
Crisis & Opportunity


Family Farming  
Item#: 9780803217485
Family Farming


Gold in the Grass  
Item#: 9780972177054
Gold in the Grass


Amish Farm Economics DVD,  OH FSR 2005  
Item#: PVPD1001
Amish Farm Economics DVD, OH FSR 2005


Family Friendly Farming: How to Keep Your Kids on the Farm DVD  
Item#: PVPD-4001
Family Friendly Farming: How to Keep Your Kids on the Farm DVD


Family Friendly Farming Valu-Pak  
Item#: VP-9
Family Friendly Farming Valu-Pak


Farmer Pirates & Dancing Cows  
Item#: 9781885210166
Farmer Pirates & Dancing Cows


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