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"Name an urgent problem for which there ought to be a technical explanation or solution and you'll likely find Sandia's mythical, turquoise thunderbird symbol fluttering nearby..."
—The Albuquerque Tribune

Downtown Albuquerque

Building a Stronger Community

You will also find Sandians involved as partners and leaders in their communities wherever they may live. They may be cleaning up a hiking trail, pounding nails at a "Habitat House," leading a committee for the Albuquerque Economic Forum, working with local chambers of commerce, tutoring a struggling middle school student, coaching soccer, leading a scout troop, donating shoes for needy children, or providing dozens of other services. We strive to be leaders as servants; serving our communities and their people. Our "can-do" attitude is contagious and is making a positive difference in people's lives.

"...As thunderbird tales go, Sandia's is just beginning to soar."
—The Albuquerque Tribune