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Thunderbird Awards

Sandia National Laboratories and Lockheed Martin are pleased to offer the Thunderbird Awards again this year to twenty-one high schools in the Greater Albuquerque area. This award recognizes, exceptional achievement among youth at risk who have refocused their energies to fully achieve their potential, and is inspirational role models for their peers. Each school can sponsor one winning student, who will be recognized and awarded $1,500.

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Download the Thunderbird Award Application [PDF|2pp.|789KB]

Fill out the Thunderbird Award Student Profile and Reservations Form


The student you select must meet the following criteria:

Please note that your selection should not be based upon economic need.

Selection Process

  1. You must determine the most appropriate means of selection; we encourage solicitation of input from teachers.
  2. A copy of this letter is also being sent to each school's counseling department for coordination of the selection.
  3. Only one student may be submitted