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Sandia is seizing the opportunity to establish deeper, enduring relationships that produce world-class joint R&D, educate next generation employees, provide Sandia employees with continuous learning opportunities, and build national visibility and name recognition.  These objectives are achieved, in part, through partnership with selected universities.

The University Partnerships Strategy is to establish enduring partnerships with a focused set of universities to nurture talent, collaborative research, and national advocacy.

University advocacy graphics

Campus Executive Program

Many university partnerships are established using Sandia’s “Campus Executives,” who work with some 20 universities nationwide.  Sandia pursues such relationships with universities that meet certain criteria and campus executive universitiesare aligned with Sandia's strategic needs.  The Campus Executive program was established as a means to partner with top universities to conduct leading-edge science, hire the most accomplished scientists and engineers, and develop strategic collaborations in focused research areas.  Sandia executives, acting as ambassadors, are paired with top university officials (usually deans of engineering) at schools that have synergistic research interests and capabilities with Sandia.  As part of these efforts, Sandia may fund student research projects as a means to establish relationships with students, develop capabilities, and build long-term relationships with faculty.

Research Collaborations

Sandia supports joint research and many research collaborations with faculty in universities across the United States.  Sandia’s university research investments are made, for the most part, by individual technical programs.  In FY2006, Sandia invested more than $30 million in 523 joint research projects with 105 universities.  A report on selected partnership activities administered by Sandia’s University Research Program Office is available here.  As a way to assist Sandia in meeting its mission-related needs, Sandia also supports certain university exploratory programs meant to explore niche technical areas of interest and forge new strategic relationships in critical skills areas.  Other related programs include educational and research institutes and internships for students, and joint research in specific areas of interest. (More information on Partnerships)  

One example of a university partnership that is establishing new and exciting ways to collaborate is that with the University of Texas System (UTS).  In FY 2006, Sandia and the UTS renewed their commitment to the joint Memorandum of Understanding established in 2005.  Their overarching goal is to achieve a greater mutual impact on national security issues.  In particular, UTS is providing independent oversight to assess and enhance Sandia’s Science, Technology & Engineering excellence through the Peer Review process.  One outcome of this partnership is a joint Postdoctoral Fellowship program across Sandia’s Bioscience Research Foundation and UT Medical Branch.  This program is rapidly growing the Research Program Interfaces across the two institutions and will serve as the springboard for building future programs.  Another outcome of the partnership is the approval by the Texas State Legislature for in-state tuition and fees for Sandia employees and their dependents who are accepted for enrollment in the UTS system.   (For more information, see this recent article (p.7) in Sandia’s Lab News.)

Supporting Faculty and the Research Community

Sandia also has a number of efforts specifically aimed at supporting and cementing relationships with faculty and universities in the region and around the nation:

  • Sandia-University Research Program (SURP). Since 1958, Sandia National Laboratories has funded this cooperative program to provide "seed" research funding support to beginning faculty researchers at the University of New Mexico (UNM), New Mexico State University (NMSU), and New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NM Tech). The objective of this joint program is to offer opportunities for new faculty members in these institutions to begin active collaborative research endeavors with Sandia counterparts.  Investment in new faculty development helps create partnerships that build long-term strength for Sandia's Science and Technology foundations.  SURP projects are selected for their high relevance to Sandia’s research interests and mission needs and those that complement Sandia’s critical skill needs within the nuclear weapons programs, and its research foundations.  (For more information, see General Guidelines for SURP)

  • PECASE.  Sandia supports development of university faculty early in their careers through nominations for the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).  PECASE winners receive $250,000 over five years, given to each awardee through a $50,000 per year research contract.  PECASE are intended to recognize some of the finest scientists and engineers who, early in their research careers, show exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of scientific knowledge. (More information)

  • Faculty Appointments (Sabbatical and Summer Faculty Research Appointments).  The Lab encourages Sandia scientists to conduct short-term, joint research with university faculty on sabbatical or during the summer.  For faculty, this takes the form of limited-term employment at Sandia (lasting from four weeks to one academic year).  Faculty must be invited by a Sandia sponsor to conduct collaborative research.  These appointments are designed to provide interesting work to professors widely recognized as authorities in their field and capable of carrying technical assignments as well as providing consultative guidance.  From Sandia’s perspective, these appointments make valuable contributions to Sandia’s technical work, and promote university relations. Candidates are recruited nationally for summer appointments.  Salary (based on pay from the university), round trip travel, and per diem are provided.

  • Adjunct Professorships.  Sandia encourages its staff to serve as adjunct professors at regional and other universities.

  • EPSCoR (the National Science Foundation’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research).  Sandia is a member of the NM State EPSCoR committee and participates in the DOE EPSCoR program.  This is a vehicle through which Sandia works to help universities build their research infrastructure and enhance their competitiveness for securing research dollars.

  • The New Mexico Research Council.  Sandia participates with UNM, NMSU, NM Tech, the Santa Fe Institute, LANL, and Air Force Research Laboratories in this council, organized to enhance relationships, encourage collaborations for research and education issues that impact the state, and to ensure that those represented are not being redundant in their efforts on the identical projects.  (More information)

  • External Advisory Boards.  Sandians participate on various university External Advisory Boards, regionally and across the nation.  Conversely, subject matter experts from universities also serve on Sandia’s advisory boards.