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What will the Mining Program accomplish?

4.3 Planned Outputs

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A total listing of 587 Planned Outputs under the Mining Program for the next five years is presented in this section. Each item in this database includes a title, year produced, type of output, and the strategic goal toward which it is directed. Clicking on the "Planned Outputs Summary" link will bring you to a series of pie charts showing planned outputs broken down by strategic goal, year produced and output types. The majority of planned outputs in the Mining Program are publications (77.3%), followed in smaller numbers by workshops, web documents, and other output types.

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How Planned Outputs are Categorized

Planned Outputs Summary    Top of page

Total Planned Outputs: 587

Note - Percentage totals may not equal 100% due to rounding errors. Sort the tables by clicking the column headings.

How Planned Outputs are Categorized    Top of page

Planned outputs are externally-distributed publications and products that the NIOSH Mining Program expects to develop over the next 5 years. The following taxonomies are used to categorize these outputs:

Strategic Goal

Outputs are categorized according to the Strategic Goal (see Section 1.5) addressed by the research:

  • Respiratory diseases - Reduce respiratory diseases in miners by reducing health hazards in the workplace associated with coal worker pneumoconiosis, silicosis, and diesel emissions.
  • Hearing loss - Reduce noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in the mining industry.
  • Cumulative injuries - Reduce repetitive/cumulative musculoskeletal injuries in mine workers.
  • Traumatic injuries - Reduce traumatic injuries in the mining workplace.
  • Mine disasters - Reduce the risk of mine disasters (fires, explosions, and inundations); and minimize the risk to, and enhance the safety and effectiveness of, emergency responders.
  • Ground control - Reduce ground failure fatalities and injuries in the mining industry.
  • Surveillance and training - Determine the impact of changing mining conditions, new and emerging technologies, and the changing patterns of work on worker health and safety.
  • All - Outputs related to all strategic goals of the Mining Research Plan. This includes technology transfer / health communications efforts and mining research program planning and tracking.

Output Type

Outputs are also categorized by Output Type:

  • Patent - A U.S. or foreign patent granted for a NIOSH invention.
  • Publication - An officially-published document (excludes Web documents.)
  • Publication (guidelines) - A publication that recommends a policy or procedure.
  • Web document - A document developed solely for Web distribution that has not been officially published and is currently available on the NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research web site (obsolete web documents are not listed.)
  • Software - A computer program.
  • Standards - Recommended rules or guidelines for conducting an activity or task, utilizing a product, etc. that are approved by a recognized standards organization or accepted as a de facto standard by the industry.
  • Training - An educational material comprising an instructor's guide with tested educational materials and supporting documents designed to meet stated educational objectives (Note - if published as a government numbered document, a training material is instead classified as a Publication.)
  • Video - A videocassette, videotape, or electronic video
  • Workshop/Seminar/OIB - An event organized by the NIOSH Mining program, usually to educate the mining industry on particular safety and health issues or research developments.

Publication Type

All publications (outputs with an Output Type of Publication or Publication (guidelines)) are further classified by the specific type of publication.

Published by NIOSH:
  • Hazard Controls/IDs - Hazard Controls describe control techniques to reduce hazardous exposures to workers in a particular application/industry process. Hazard IDs summarize results of NIOSH studies at a specific worksite, identify new or current health and safety hazards, and offer the best recommendations for control or prevention. Both are brief, 1-2 page documents.
  • Technology News - One-page flyers used to announce a milestone in mining health and safety research, technology ready for transfer to industry, or an opportunity for cooperative research and development.
  • NIOSH/USBM numbered - Documents published by DHHS (NIOSH), including Information Circulars (ICs), Reports of Investigation (RIs), Special Publications, and other numbered publications.
Published by external sources:
  • Book/book chapter/dissertation - Includes PhD dissertations; however, masters theses are classified as Other.
  • Conference proceedings - Papers published in conference proceedings in either print or electronic format (e.g., CD-ROM.)
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed) - Papers published in journals that have undergone a blind peer-review.
  • Journal article (not peer-reviewed) - Papers published in journals that have not undergone a blind peer-review.
Published by both NIOSH and external sources:
  • Brochure/flyer - Includes pamphlets, brochures, and flyers. Also includes NIOSH Fact Sheets with surveillance data on fatalities, injuries, and illnesses for various mining commodities.
  • Other - Other publications not elsewhere classified. Includes contract and MOA reports, MSHA reports, masters theses, bulletins, newsletters, newsletter articles, etc.

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Selecting Planned Outputs to View:

By default, all Planned Outputs are displayed. To restrict the display
to Planned Outputs for a particular Strategic Goal or Output Type,
select the appropriate option, choose a value from the dropdown list,
then click the 'Go' button. (To display the entire table, choose 'View all
planned outputs' from the dropdown list.)

Once the table is displayed, you can click on the column headings to
sort the table by that column.
