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All NEH grant programs are interested in funding excellent humanities projects which use or study the impact of digital technology.  Below is a sample of programs that may be of particular interest to the digital humanities community.  You may also view a complete list of all NEH grant opportunities.

America’s Media Makers—This program supports media projects that explore significant events, figures, or developments in the humanities and offer creative and new approaches to humanities content.

Challenge Grants—This program can help endow digital humanities centers and provide long-term support to humanities projects.

Collaborative Research—This program supports original research undertaken by a team of two or more scholars or research coordinated by an individual scholar that, because of its scope or complexity, requires additional staff and resources beyond the individual's salary.

DFG/NEH Joint Digitization Projects—This program, a partnership with the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V., DFG), supports collaborations between U.S. and German institutions who are working to digitize or enable scholarly access to important humanities collections. 

DFG/NEH Symposia and Workshops—This program, a partnership with the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V., DFG),supports funding for up to two bilateral symposia or workshops in the area of digital humanities.

Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants—This program, which is a partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services, supports the early research and planning stages for innovative digital projects in all areas of the humanities.

Fellowships—This program supports individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to scholars and general audiences in the humanities.

Fellowships at Digital Humanities Centers—This program supports collaboration between individual scholars and digital humanities centers. Grants fund both the fellow and the center for periods of six to twelve months. The intellectual cooperation between visiting scholar and center may take many different forms and may involve humanities scholars of any level of digital expertise.

Humanities Collections and Resources -- This program supports projects that preserve and create intellectual access to such collections as books, journals, newspapers, manuscript and archival materials, maps, still and moving images, sound recordings, art, and objects of material culture.

Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities—This program supports major training institutes or workshops to teach advanced topics in the digital humanities.

JISC/NEH Transatlantic Digitization Collaboration Grants—This program, a partnership with the Joint Information Systems Committee in the U.K., supports collaborations between U.S. and English institutions who are working to digitize or enable scholarly access to important humanities collections.

NEH/DOE Humanities High Performance Computing—The National Endowment for the Humanities and the Office of Science at the United States Department of Energy (DOE) are working together to provide humanities scholars with access to DOE supercomputers. These grants provide computer time on DOE machines at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as well as training and support to enable scholars to take full advantage of those resources.

  I want to . . . Minimize

perform basic research and early planning for a scholarly digital project (Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants).

create digital humanities tools for analyzing and manipulating humanities data (Humanities Collections and Resources Grants, Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants)

create, search, and maintain digital archives (Humanities Collections and Resources Grants)

create a digital or online version of a scholarly edition (Scholarly Editions)

work with a colleague on a digital humanities project (Collaborative Research Grants)

enhance my institution's ability to use new technologies in research, education, preservation, and public programming in the humanities (Challenge Grant)

study the history and impact of digital technology (Fellowships, Faculty Research Awards, Summer Stipends)

create a public programming project using digital media (America's Media Makers)

Applications for digital humanities projects are welcomed in all NEH grant programs.
