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FDA News

February 7, 2005

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FDA Proposes $1.9 Billion Budget to Expand Food Defense Effort, Increase Drug Safety and Medical Device Review

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today released highlights of its fiscal year (FY) 2006 budget request to Congress totaling $1.9 billion. This overall amount includes $1.5 billion in budget authority and $382 million in Congressionally authorized industry user fees. This request is 50% higher than the appropriations in FY 2001 and represents a 4.5 % increase over the FY 2005 level.

More than ever, Americans expect FDA to protect them from risky products and potential terrorist threats, and the FY 2006 budget request will equip FDA to do that. At the same time, Americans increasingly rely on FDA's innovation and expertise to make significant new medical products available as soon as possible. This budget provides resources that FDA must have for patients to enjoy the fruits of medical innovation, while maintaining FDA as a gold standard for consumer protection.

Submitted in a climate of budgetary constraints, the proposal testifies to the Administration's commitment to protect the health of Americans and its confidence in the FDA's ability to carry out this vital mission with creativity and vigor.

"The Administration is under great pressure from Congress and the public to maintain fiscal discipline and reduce the federal deficit," said FDA Acting Commissioner Dr. Lester M. Crawford. "However, the White House recognizes the critical nature of the FDA's work, and our agency's need for adequate resources.”

"Despite that vote of confidence, FDA clearly understands that the current budget situation requires innovation and creativity. FDA must leverage its resources through increased cooperation and collaboration with stakeholders. And this we are pledged to do," Dr. Crawford added.

The net budget authority increase totals $50 million and includes increases for select programs as well as savings from administrative efficiencies and deferred expenditures on information technology upgrades.

The agency's major request, an increase of $30.1 million for food defense, is part of a collaborative effort by FDA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the White House Homeland Security Council to defend the U.S. food supply from terrorist attacks. This brings the total budget authority for food defense related items to $180 million from $150 million, or an increase of 20 percent.

In addition to building upon FDA's counterterrorism program, the budget request includes increases for premarket reviews of medical devices, enhanced surveillance and response to potential safety issues associated with marketed drugs, and additional resources to manage the agency's infrastructure. The latter category of projects includes restoration of the facilities maintenance account and continued consolidation of the agency's facilities in a single location in White Oak, Md.

This budget clearly calls on FDA to reap the benefits of information technology to increase productivity and improve its processes and business practices.

The request also includes the following major budgetary increases:

Full funding of FDA's FY 2006 budget will provide the agency with the necessary resources to address the agency's public health priorities and support regulatory decisions ensuring the safety and quality of products representing almost 25% of all consumer spending by Americans.


Full Budget

Budget in Brief

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