1—Mark Twain | 2—George Washington Harris | 3—Nathaniel Hawthorne

1 — Mark Twain

Mark Twain was the pseudonym of Samuel Clemens, one of America's most famous writers. Read his short story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" and explore these websites to learn more about how Samuel Clemens created the "character" of Mark Twain, author.

After you read the story, think about the way that it is structured. Your teacher may have you try a variety of exercises to explore the structure of the story, including staging and acting out the story or using one of the tools listed below. Use the questions below to help you think about how the structure contributes to the story's comedic effect.

2 — George Washington Harris

George Washington Harris was an "authentic comic genius" (Wilson and Ferris) whose work influenced later writers such as Mark Twain and William Faulkner. Harris and other southwest humorists who wrote in the 1830s through the 1860s, though considered low-brow at the time, are now recognized as foundational contributors to the humorist literary tradition. Read the Sut Lovingood story, "Mrs. Yardley's Quilting Party," by George Washington Harris and examine the story's structure.

This interactive map of the United States, via EDSITEment-reviewed Digital History, shows the outlines of states as they are added to the United States. To see this in action, drag the bar at the bottom through the timeline. Important moments in history are noted and annotated on the map.

Static maps via EDSITEment-reviewed Digital History:

Additional maps available at the EDSITEment-reviewed National Parks Service: A Link to the Past:

3 — Nathaniel Hawthorne

Born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, and a descendant of a judge in the Salem Witch Trials, Nathaniel Hawthorne had an understandable fascination with the Puritan ancestry and history that surrounded him. His collection of stories, Twice-Told Tales, which includes "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," with its sharp satire and refined narrative style, was published in 1837. Read about Hawthorne, read his story "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," and consider whether or not the tale is darkly moralistic or satiric.

The Narrator:

Dr. Heidegger: [If you have read the stories by Mark Twain and George Washington Harris, also review these questions:]

The Structure of the Story: