SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
SLAC’s two-mile-long linear accelerator is the longest in the world.
» Stanford University
News Highlight
EXO: How Clean is Clean?
EXO: How Clean is Clean?
Think you know a neat freak? Even in a field where cleanliness means far more than just washing your hands, the Enriched Xenon Observatory 200 experiment, or EXO 200, is pushing the boundaries of "clean."
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Exploring SLAC's Science
Exploring SLAC Science Slide Show : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

ArchaeopteryxThe Secrets of Darwin's Dinobird

For centuries, the field of archaeology has depended on what's visible to the naked eye. Now, researchers are revealing what lies beneath the surface of a key evolutionary fossil, Darwin's "dinobird."

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