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Doing Business

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Sandia National Laboratories uses a variety of agreement mechanisms to develop new partnerships with industry, state and local governments, and universities. Goals of the partner or sponsor, coupled with funding sources for the agreement and Sandia's strategic business objectives, are used to determine the most appropriate partnering mechanism.

CRADAs are collaborative research and development agreements between Sandia and industrial or other non-federal partners that benefit the goals of each participant. CRADAs may be cost shared, or 100% funded by the industrial partner.

Licenses convey rights to Sandia intellectual property (patents, patent applications, copyrights, and trademarks) to industry or other non-federal partners for commercialization.

Work for Nonfederal entities makes Sandia’s unique resources available to private industry or other non-federal partners through Funds-In Agreements. The sponsor provides 100% of the funding.

User facilities give industry and universities access to unique facilities and equipment at Sandia. The user provides 100% of the funding.

NM Small Business Assistance program enables Sandia National Laboratories to provide technical and certain types of business assistance to New Mexico’s small businesses to help retain and expand current business and technology opportunities.

Sandia may also enter into Non-Disclosure Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding when appropriate.