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Humanities Magazine: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities

Cover of July/August 2005 Humanities July/August 2005

Editor's Note

Art and Civilization

Life Through Art's Prism
British writer Paul Johnson talks with NEH Chairman Bruce Cole about the history of art and its place in America.

American Modernists: Breaking the Mold
An exhibition focuses on the twentieth-century artists who created a new aesthetic. By Susan Saccoccia

American Voices

The Unconventional Willa Cather
After conquering the world of New York publishing, an ambitious writer returns to her Nebraska roots to find inspiration. By Janis Johnson

Ernest Hemingway: One True Sentence
A documentary sets the inner voice of the writer against the larger-than-life persona he cultivated. By Cynthia Barnes

Whitman's Lifelong Endeavor: Leaves of Grass at 150
The poet who gave a voice to a young nation never stopped trying to capture its ever-changing nature. By Geoffrey Saunders Schramm

History for Kids

Time Travels
A new animated television series drops ten-year-olds into history--from the Battle of Waterloo to life in ancient Rome. By Amy Lifson