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Humanities Magazine: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities

Cover of January/February 2005 Humanities January/February 2005

Editor's Note

A History of Manners

Civility in a Democracy
Columnist Judith Martin talks with NEH Chairman Bruce Cole about behavior befitting a republic.

Translating Fashion
A confluence of cultures shapes style in the age of exploration. By Laura Wolff Scanlan

Humanities Honors

Eight Who Make a Difference
Medals go to seven individuals and an historical society for deepening the public's knowledge.

Humanities Honors

Mary Pickford: America's Savvy Sweetheart
A child star becomes a movie mogul. By Anna Maria Gillis

Saving the Silents
A DVD rescues Rin Tin Tin. By Janis Johnson

Around the Nation

"Blind" Boone: Missouri Honors Its Ragtime Pioneer
Commemorating a musical prodigy. By Phoebe Prioleau