Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities

September/October 2000

Editor's Note

A Digital Revolution

An Internet Witch-Hunt : Digitizing Salem Village
Trials, technology, and a historian's detective work are discussed by Chairman William R. Ferris and Benjamin Ray.

Kids as Curators
The Seattle Art Museum brings online exhibitions, virtual reality, and teaching tools to its visitors. By Laura Wolff Scanlan

Beyond the Box
Television leaps into the future with digital programming.By Chrissa Gerard

Navigating Ancient Worlds
The realm of heroes and myths is transformed into an online library in the Perseus project. By Sara E. Wilson

H-Net: An Online Arena
The electronic network links communities of scholars. By Paulette Campbell

The Lay of the Land

Building Big
The secrets behind five modern architectural wonders are revealed in a new documentary. By Margaret Schroeder

Around the Nation

Houseless Is Not Homeless
A photo documentary in North Carolina launches discussion about homelessness . By Maya Dalinsky