Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities

November/December 1999 November/December 1999

Editor's Note

American Family Album

A Conversation with . . .
Historian Adele Logan Alexander talks with NEH Chairman William R. Ferris about the rise of a resolute African American family and its service to the nation.

My History Is America's History
The NEH launches an initiative to save and share our legacy for a new generation. By Maggie Riechers

Your Place in Time
An exhibition examines how technology has shaped American society. By Elizabeth Gibbens

Moments of Discovery
The fabric of our country's past is found in the threads of family stories. By Michael Kernan

The National Humanities Medal

The White House Honors Eight
Meet the eight recipients of the 1999 National Medal in the Humanities: Library preservationist Patricia Battin, author Taylor Branch, oral historian Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, radio philosopher Garrison Keillor, journalist Jim Lehrer, political philosopher John Rawls, film director Steven Spielberg, and playwright August Wilson.

Canticles of Work and Joy

The Reach of African Music
Three Los Angeles museums explore the complexities of music as it moves from one continent to another. By Carole C. Lee