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Carole hiking.
Words to live by: "If you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up too much room."


Degree: M.S. Mechanical Engineering (Solid Mechanics) Georgia Institute of Technology; B.S., University of California, Berkeley.

Lifelong Passion: The search for new adventure and challenges.

Latest Accomplishment: Obtaining my pilot's license.

Prior Projects: Mechanical Engineer, SLBM Warhead Protection Program (SWPP); Structural, SWPP.

Current Assignment: Lead Mechanical Engineer, W80 Life Extension Program, responsible for the overall mechanical design (and its implementation) for a nuclear weapon system refurbishment . This design, incorporating significant safety and surety enhancement, will intimately replace existing weapon system in the stockpile.

Latest Outdoor Adventure: Flying a small experimental airplane (affectionately referred to as the "tin can with a propeller") across the country and back.

Hobbies: Flying, skiing, snowboarding, bicycling, motorcycling, hiking, traveling.

Personal Philosophy: Life is too short to spend time doing things you don't like.

Most Memorable Book: Illusions, by Richard Bach, a mythical tale about humanity's unlimited potential.

Profile: Enthusiastic, driven, fun-loving, adventuresome.