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Jean mountain biking.
Personal Motto: "Life should be challenging — if it's not, make it so."


Profession: Electrical Engineer.

Home: Albuquerque, New Mexico. Introduction to Sandia: Participated in summer employment and One Year On Campus programs from 1990 to 1995; joined full-time workforce in 1995.

Degree: M.S., Electrical Engineering, New Mexico State University/Las Cruces (4.0 G.P.A.); B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Arizona/Tucson.

Areas of Interest: Communications, signal processing, software development.

Current Assignment: Nuclear detonation system analysis. Part of the team that is providing ground system design and support for next-generation, low-orbit, burst-detection satellite sensors. I can't say too much because it's classified.

Latest Accomplishment: Created an animated simulation of a satellite being deployed from the Space Shuttle, written in VRML (virtual reality markup language).

Prior Projects: Video bandwidth testing for vehicle robotics; updating electronic parts databases; Novell network support; network intrusion detection; expanding technological limits for Internet protocol speeds.

Last Book Read: Timeline, by Michael Crichton.

Words to Live By: Eleanor Roosevelt — "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."

Affiliations: Albuquerque Women's Soccer League, premier division; American Council on Exercise fitness instruction certification; member of the Society of Women Engineers.

Professional Goals: Short-term, promotion to senior staff; long-term, selecting a particular area of electrical engineering and becoming an expert in it.

Hobbies: Soccer, mountain biking, aerobic exercise/kick boxing, cake decorating, clarinet.

Profile: Curious, driven, contemplative, amiable.