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TNF Workshop addresses challenges for collaborative research

TNF 9  poster representing the event that was held in Montreal, Canada.TNF 9 poster representing the event that was held in Montreal, Canada.

The TNF9 Workshop (Ninth International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames), was held July 3–August 2 in Montreal, Canada, and was attended by 82 researchers from 13 countries. Past workshops have focused on issues of turbulence-chemistry interaction in nonpremixed and partially premixed flames, with collaborative comparisons of measured and modeled results being a centerpiece at each meeting. However, TNF9 was organized to prompt the participants to take a broader view of collaborative research priorities for the next 4 to 6 years. Presentations and discussions were centered on three challenges:

  • Development and validation of modeling approaches that are accurate over a broad range of combustion modes and regimes (nonpremixed, partially premixed, stratified, and premixed).
  • Extension of quantitative validation work to include more complex fuels (beyond CH4) and fuel mixtures that are of practical interest.
  • Establishment of a more complete framework for verification and validation of combustion large eddy simulation (LES), including quality assess ment of calculations, as well as development and utilization of approaches that extract knowledge and understanding from comparisons of detailed experimental measurements with detailed simulations.

Sandians Rob Barlow, Jonathan Frank, and Joe Oefelein helped to coordinate some of the discussion session. Other session coordinators, discussion leaders, and major contributors included Steve Pope (Cornell), Andreas Kempf and Peter Lindstedt (Imperial College of London), Andreas Dreizler and Johannes Janicka (Technical University of Darmstadt), J.-Y. Chen (UC Berkeley), Assaad Masri (Sydney University), and Dirk Roekaerts (Delft University). Bernard Geurts (Twente University) and Graham Goldin (ANSYS) were invited speakers on the topic of LES quality assessment. The Proceedings will be made available soon at http://public.ca.sandia.gov/TNF, and will include a summary of the major discussion points and agreed directions for collaborative research.

Article taken from the July/August CRF News Volume 30 Number 4 (PDF - 3635K)