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Focus on Community Brochure
Focus on Community (482 KB PDF)



Sandia National Laboratories and its employees actively support the community. Sandia Volunteers and other contribution programs provide the opportunity for employees, retirees, and family members to help improve the quality of life for others. Sandia has over 2,700 registered volunteers. Last year, Sandia volunteers reported some 87,000 hours of helping others. Time and money are given generously in many ways.

Corporate Contributions

The Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories Corporate Contributions program supports non-profit organizations that help the Middle Rio Grande community grow and prosper. Over $15M has been donated since 1993. Effective January 2, 2007 all requests for funding must be submitted electronically at the following site:

Lockheed Martin
Corporate Contribution Guide (39K PDF).

Results Tell the Story


What do all the volunteer hours and generous contributions produce? When over 200 Sandia employees teamed with Kirtland Air Force Base, the Girl Scouts, and Phi Delta Gamma, they completed 17 projects for 10 community-based organizations on "Make a Difference Day." For the last 41 years, Sandia employees have bought shoes for needy children. "Shoes for Kids" helped 450 children from 18 elementary schools last year. For the second time in three years, over 300 employees and retirees helped with generous contributions of money and land to build a "Habitat for Humanity" house for a local family. Sandia employees rose to the challenge to "Fill a Semi" by donating over 35,000 pounds of food for the Roadrunner Food Bank. Sandia's volunteers also helped "Christmas in April" and "New Futures High School".

Willing to Help ...and Help ...and Help

Each year, Sandia Labs recognizes the tremendous efforts of our volunteers. The "Shining Eagle Award" is given to the employee and retiree who report the most volunteer hours. The award is a small way of saying thanks to these individuals who generously give their time to help others. The "Goodness Award " is given to a Sandia employee who did the most to help the Community Involvement organization achieve its outreach goals.


And the Giving Continues

Sandia employees kept their promise of raising "$2,000,000 Again" during the recent Employee Contribution Plan campaign for United Way of Central New Mexico. Lockheed Martin, on behalf of Sandia Labs, continued its philanthropy in the Middle Rio Grande area. The development of youth in our communities is a major focus, and 70% of the funds donated went towards educational programs directly involving youth.