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The Write Thing To Do Essay Competition 2008

Write Thing To Do is an annual scholastic essay program. The 750-word essay program adds a special experience for high school students, in the areas of science, engineering and mathematics. Scientist and engineers at Sandia National Laboratories pose the essay questions and also judge the essays.

Sandia National Laboratories awards five high school students with $2000.00 in U.S. Savings Bonds every year, presenting the award in front of their Classmates.

Contest Rules

  1. Submit your essay for only one of the four essay topics.
  2. The maximum length of the essay is 750 words (approximately 3 pages double-spaced). References and essay title are excluded from the word count.
  3. Public school students in grades 10 through 12 are eligible to enter this essay competition. Students from the public high school districts in the following areas may participate: Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Belen, Bernalillo, Los Lunas, and East Mountains.
  4. Submit your essay via the online form or mail. If you submit your essay by mail, you must also include the online entry form information.
  5. Appropriately cite quotes and any other referenced sources in your essay.
  6. You may have a teacher mentor provide feedback, but the mentor should not compose nor edit your essay.
  7. Essays will be judged for content, clarity, and specificity to the topic, as well as proper grammar and spelling. Emphasis will be placed on a well-written original essay which critically reviews the scope of the topic. All essays are blind-reviewed by Sandia National Laboratories judges.
  8. The deadline for submission is Friday October 24, 2008

Any further questions, please contact Cheryl Garcia at 284-5202 or

Fill out and submit essay

Sandia National Laboratories
Post Office Box 5800 MS 1496 ATTN: Cheryl Garcia
Albuquerque, NM 87185
FAX: 284-9779