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Adventures in Science and Knowledge

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Focus on Education
Focus on Education (552 KB PDF)


Sandia National Laboratories believes that our active participation in a variety of educational partnerships will strengthen our future through the success of our students. As the education of our children and young adults is essential to the development of a productive workforce for the new economy, projects at Sandia are comprehensive and span all levels of learning.

The Adventures in Science & Knowledge (ASK) website details Sandia's commitment to education in New Mexico and California. Sandia's Student employment programs are also linked to ASK.

Linking Science and School

CroSSlinks Volunteer

Children are fascinated with the unexpected. Hands-on science activities grab the students' attention and encourage them to test theories, not just memorize facts. "CroSSlinks" partners Sandia volunteers and elementary school teachers to advance the teaching of inquiry-based science to local youth. "Family Science Night" gets everyone involved with fun and exciting experiments at local elementary schools. Encouraging minority students to pursue science and engineering careers is a goal of the "Manos," "Dream Catchers," and "Hands-on/Minds-on" programs. Preparing high school students for future careers is the goal of the "Advanced Technology Academy" partnerships. Promoting science education statewide in a fun and competitive setting is the goal of the New Mexico Regional Science Bowls held for middle school and high school students each year. The regional winners participate in the National Science Bowls.

Building a World-Class Educational System

Sandia Labs is partnering with several organizations dedicated to improving education in New Mexico. "Strengthening Quality in Schools", supported by Sandia, is working to establish a climate for continuous improvement using the Baldrige Criteria and Quality Principles. Professional development days are provided to systematically improve student achievement and system performance at all levels.

A Passport for the Journey

What do you want to do when you grow up? Kids hear that question frequently, but few have chances to explore different careers. "School to World" provides middle school students with an opportunity to discuss over a hundred careers with people who actually are doing them. Sandia Labs, in partnership with local businesses, schools, and government, sponsors the event each year.

School to World

Take a look at a short video with footage from the 2004 event.

Soaring to the Future

Sandia Labs, in conjunction with Lockheed Martin, presents the "Thunderbird Award" to 21 seniors from local high schools. The program recognizes youth who have refocused their lives to overcome adversity and graduate from high school.

What Else Are We Doing?

Take a look at the Internet Science Adventures Web Site developed for elementary-aged school children created by Sandia Labs.