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Employee and Retiree Resources

Open Enrollment Information

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Health, Benefits, & Employee Services (HBE)
Phone: (505) 844-4237

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Voluntary Group Accident Insurance (VGA)

This accident insurance may be purchased by employees for personal or family coverage. Participation in the program is completely voluntary for employees. Employees may purchase this plan or change coverages only during Open Enrollment for coverage beginning on January 1, 2009. However, enrolled participants may disenroll at any time during the year.

Take no action if you are satisfied with your current coverage. Your current coverage will continue through 2009 unless you cancel or change coverage.


Coverage Amounts and Plans

Coverage is available from $10,000 to $300,000 in increments of $5,000. Total coverage in Plan I-A, Plan I-B, and Plan II must not exceed $300,000. Employees may select any combination of:

Voluntary Group Accident Insurance (VGA) Premiums

The minimum Principal Sum for Plan I or II is $10,000. You may choose one of the Plans or any combination of I-A, I-B, and/or II, not to exceed a maximum combined benefit of $300,000. The cost for this coverage is based on the Principal Sum elected, as shown in the table below.

Monthly Cost for Coverage Effective January 1, 2009
Principal Sum Plan I-A
Employee Only
24-Hour Coverage
Plan I-B
Family Plan
24-Hour Coverage
Plan II
Employee Only
Common Carrier
$10,000 $.27 $.43 $.05
25,000 .68 1.08 .13
50,000 1.35 2.15 .25
75,000 2.03 3.23 .38
100,000 2.70 4.30 .50
150,000 4.05 6.45 .75
200,000 5.40 8.60 1.00
250,000 6.75 10.75 1.25
300,000 8.10 12.90 1.50

Note: Participants on an approved leave of absence for reasons other than military service may extend their Voluntary Group Accident Insurance coverage for up to one year by paying the required premiums in advance by check.

Premium Payment

Payroll deductions will begin in December 2008 for coverage effective January 1, 2009.

This offering is different from the other plans described on this open enrollment website. This coverage is offered to the Sandia employees by the Hartford.
Sandia's roles with respect to the program are to permit the insurer to publicize the program to employees, to collect premiums through payroll deductions, and to remit them to the insurer.

All matters, such as a change of beneficiary or a claim for benefits, are to be taken up directly with the Program Administrator:

P. O Box 1520
Iowa City, IA 52244-1520